Clownfish Eggs - Day 8



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Hi Kristi,
If I move them too soon then more of them probably won't hatch. Dad constantly cleans and fans them so that stops as soon as I remove the eggs.

Hello, and the fanning does what exactly for the eggs?


Stupid Question:
Why can't you move the eggs and the father to a separate tank so the dad can continue to take care of the eggs until they hatch? Then when they hatch, take daddy out and put him back in the DT.

bang guy


Originally posted by khourglass
Hello, and the fanning does what exactly for the eggs?

I believe the fanning oxygenates the eggs, I can simulate that. He also "mouths" them all the time. I believe that removes fungus and other buildup on the egg sacs.

bang guy


Originally posted by CSRobe02
Why can't you move the eggs and the father to a separate tank so the dad can continue to take care of the eggs until they hatch?

Definately not a stupid question. I've considered it, believe me.
Two reasons:
1 - There's no guarantee dad will watch over the eggs if I move him away from his "home".
2 - He will definately eat any larvae that he can see. He could easily eat all of them as they hatch.
Perhaps I will try this with a future batch. I'm doing my best to go "by the book" until I gain enough experience to start experimenting.
I'm absolutely NOT an expert at this, I'm just trying to document my experience so others can learn from my mistakes.


Active Member
lovin' this!! I said in a previous post that silly star was going to be roamin' around with 4 legs. He probably thought just one little egg wouldn't be missed. :eek:
I'll bet you right now that Dad will have a death grip on those tongs. Too bad you can't web cam this.
How long do you think before the process starts over again? is the first batch doing OK?
thanks again for the pics!!

bang guy


Originally posted by lovethesea
How long do you think before the process starts over again? is the first batch doing OK?

Mom is already showing signs of expansion ;) Probably another week and they'll spawn again.
The first batch is a disaster so far. It went great until I tried to wean them off of the Rotifers. I learned that I did this too soon. The survivors are weak and some are unable to float. Lesson learned I hope.


LOL, I couldn't help but laugh at the star with the missing arm. I was also wondering if it would get too close, and well it did. I love seeing the baby clowns. I hope all goes well and they all hatch, and then you could start selling clowns. :D JK

bang guy


Originally posted by trigger reid
do you know what the average of baby clowns surviving is?

I have no idea.


Active Member
HOLY COW!! she is already expanding?? What the heck are you putting in that tank :D Sounds like you need to cut back on the candle light dinners.
You are really going to have you hands full soon! Will this always continue are will this cycle subside? (for your sake I hope for a bit) I truely know nothing about any of this, so thank you for educating us!!:)

bang guy

They have been spawning every 13 days for over a year now. I think removing the eggs stresses them so much that it delays the next spawning.


Active Member
I heard they spawn every 13 days....any truth to that?
I heard it from my LFS owner who has a breeding pair of percs and his spawn regularly every 13 days he says..?


Active Member
Thanks so much for the daily posts! Hope it goes well tonight and through tomorrow in the move!
Just to add some info: I believe egg laying fish fan the eggs to keep sediment off of them so that they don't smother


BangGuy - what ever happened to the pictures that were probably on this thread at one time. The pictures sound cool - not sure why they have been removed. Can you send me pics via my