Clownfish Eggs


Active Member
Besides BangGuy what do you do when your clownfish lay eggs. My marrons did about 2 weeks or so ago, they started out deep red now they are silver and if you look close you can see two eyeballs. Is there anything I can do the dad is VERY protective and the mom is just mean. Any ideas would be helpful.
Thanks :notsure:


Haven't had the pleasure myself, But we will bump this for you in case someone missed it. Maybe the BAng man will give you a few tips. :)


When they are ready to hatch the eggs are a deep purple and you should be able to clearly see two silver eyes in each egg.
The eggs hatch about two hours after all of the lights go out. If you plan on saving the larvae you should turn off all filtration in your system once the lights go out. Once the fish begin hatching they will swim up to the top of the aquarium. They are attracted to light so you can use a flashlight to draw them all to one part of the tank. You can then use a small container to scoop them up. Do not use a net. The larvae are very delicate and a net will destroy them.
After you have collected the fish you will need to house them in a separate tank. A 5 or 10 gallon tank will do. For the first 2 days of their existence they need to be kept in complete darkness. The easiest way to do this is to paint the outside of the aquarium with black spray paint. All you need in this tank is a small airstone. Make sure you get one that produces very small bubbles.
The larvae are very small and need to be feed rotifers for at least the first week of their lives. If you don't already have rotifers you are not going to be able to raise them before your eggs hatch.
You can order live rotifers online, but they are quite expensive due to the shipping costs and many die in transit. If you are interested in buying live rotifers I can give you a web address from which to order them.
After two days of darkness you can use a lamp to light the aquarium. You will need to do a water change every two days to keep the water quality in decent condition. You will also have to clean any detritus from the bottom of the tank. You should use airline tubing for this.
If your fish last past 3 weeks then you have a pretty good shot at raising them to adulthood, but be forewarned that you will be very lucky if 10% of your fish survive.


A few more facts.
Baby clownfish need to be feed 5 to 8 times a day. If they do not feed the first day their stripes will not form properly.


This is a good thread and I have a couple questions to add, that I don't see mentioned here.
My Tomatoe clowns just spawned today. It is awesome.
After they hatch and I move them to a grow out tank, what lighting should be above the tank, what temp and should there be anything else in the tank, besides the fry?
Also, can someone please email where I can buy the live rotifers?
My email


Active Member
Originally Posted by diane4
This is a good thread and I have a couple questions to add, that I don't see mentioned here.
My Tomatoe clowns just spawned today. It is awesome.
After they hatch and I move them to a grow out tank, what lighting should be above the tank, what temp and should there be anything else in the tank, besides the fry?
Also, can someone please email where I can buy the live rotifers?
My email

Thanks for finding this Diane4, it is a great post. Can I have the website for rotifers too please! I think my clowns are spawning too! :happyfish


Happy to hear others are finding this thread useful.
Unfortunately, I have lost all of my clownfish along with everything else in all of my aquariums to Hurricane Katrina. Luckily, we still have our home, but I won't be having any fish for quite a while.


Active Member
Im so sorry to hear about your loss, but like you said at least you still have your home. I went through Charley last year here and as bad as that was, I know it was nothing compared to what you are dealing with over there. Hopefully Rita wont cause any furthur problems for you guys either. Best wishes to getting back to normal asap.

bang guy

Terribly sorry for your loss TSL. Your posts have been very informative, I hope you can continue to share your knowledge of raising Clownfish.