Clownfish locking jaws/fighting


I've had a true percula clownfish living in my 14g biocube along with a sixline for almost 2 months now. I've been meaning to get a pair of true percs, but my LFS just didn't have any in for the longest time. They finally got some yesterday and I bought one.
While I was acclimating the fish (in the bag) in the tank, I noticed that they were fighting through the bag. The were nipping each other at the mouth (locking jaws). I was worried so I turned off the light. I put the new clown in and immediately they went at each other, biting each others mouth and locking jaws. I decided to do a lights out and put a towel around the tank.
What do I do? Is this because both of them are females? Will the smaller/newer one turn into a male? I'm hoping the lights out will calm them down.
Thanks for the help!


New Member
Move the rocks and deco around to help set up new territory. Im guessing you don't have a quarantine tank?
Originally Posted by krak256
I've had a true percula clownfish living in my 14g biocube along with a sixline for almost 2 months now. I've been meaning to get a pair of true percs, but my LFS just didn't have any in for the longest time. They finally got some yesterday and I bought one.
While I was acclimating the fish (in the bag) in the tank, I noticed that they were fighting through the bag. The were nipping each other at the mouth (locking jaws). I was worried so I turned off the light. I put the new clown in and immediately they went at each other, biting each others mouth and locking jaws. I decided to do a lights out and put a towel around the tank.
What do I do? Is this because both of them are females? Will the smaller/newer one turn into a male? I'm hoping the lights out will calm them down.
Thanks for the help!
I believe all clown fish are males, and the biggest one turns into a female....
r they the same species of clown. if they r u need to remove one.
y didnt u buy them together? buy from another store then if they dont have
i agree with the other guy rearrange the live rock and see if they can live together


usually if the case of 2 females they will fight to the death...they will not turn back to male once female....they will fight to the death. Clowns are born sub males and will either be a mature male or turn to a female reaching sexual maturity at the age of 12 months


ok, i came back today and took the towel off. they arn't locking jaws anymore, but they are fighting a bit. it's doesnt seem to be anything serious. my original perc instigates fights and both perc "twitch/shiver" and turn to their side.
what does that mean?
they are both true percs and I couldn't buy them together because when i got the first one, she was the only one available.


This is normal, it's a dominance thing. This will continue until the female is confident that the male is not a threat. This may last a few days ,a week or a month and could be quite violent.
As stated in post #4 all clowns are born males and once a clown changes into a female it can't turn back into a male.
just my .02


Originally Posted by InvertCrazy
This is normal, it's a dominance thing. This will continue until the female is confident that the male is not a threat. This may last a few days ,a week or a month and could be quite violent.
As stated in post #4 all clowns are born males and once a clown changes into a female it can't turn back into a male.
just my .02
Thanks so much Invert! so this means that the new one IS a male? he/she/it has been avoiding my original clown and doesn't try to fight back. it just shivers every once in a while. good sign?