Clownfish - Mated?


Hi guys,
I have 2 juvenile tank-raised percs...I know they change --- as they get older--but how do you know if they will be a mated pair? My 2 percs are always together...they hardly leave each other's sides...they even sleep together.
If they have interaction like this--what are the chances that one of them will be a female and they will become a pair? They're both still babies, so I really don't know yet...but I was just wondering, they're buddies =D...


Active Member
when they get a little bigger the male will be cleaning the rocks of constantly more and more as they get closer to the birth.. but i heard it was hard to keep the fry healthy


Thanks for the response--I'm not hoping that they mate, I was just wondering, it would be awesome though if they become a pair though...seeing that I only have 2 percs and I bought them at the same time...and both are roughly the same age...their bond is strong now already...if I'm clearing up algae on the tank glass, if I get anywhere near the bigger one--the smaller one starts nipping at my hand =P...
If they do ever mate though...I would most likely try to get all the babies and bring them back to the aquarium...I'm not experienced enough to handle them and have a higher chance of surviving there...the place I go to have very knowledgeable staff and they really love their fish, so I trust them.
Based on the information that I have just you think that there is a high chance of them becoming a pair?


Active Member
if they do mate, take the fry out with a siphon, using a net would damage there delicate bodys, go to the LFS and buy seom fresh brine and feed them that for about a week then whatever u feed ur adult clowns. could make a fortune if u got them to survive since they can lay up to 500 eggs. ( saw that on a diff webstie )


When do they become mature enough to lay eggs? I'm not sure at how old my percs are but they're babies...maybe only about 3/4"...
Thanks for the advice on caring for the fry--knowing my dumb self I woulda tried with a net =P...
Search Bang Guy's post for his clown babies ... His clowns had a lot of babies. Its a cool post and thing to see. If I can find it, Ill post the link, otherwise search for it. Very cool.

bang guy

If your Clownfish never leave each other then it probable that they will form a pair bond when they mature. Give it 6 months to a year for them to change ---.
Mating will take a lot longer.