Clownfish question?


I have 2 3-stripe damsels and I am planning on getting 2 small clowns :happyfish this weekend. Do I need to return the damsels? Will they pick on my clowns?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tarrahsmom
I have 2 3-stripe damsels and I am planning on getting 2 small clowns :happyfish this weekend. Do I need to return the damsels? Will they pick on my clowns?
Is it your 100g?
Three stripes are nasty fish man...I had one... and he was beating up on my Domino Damsel. Those things will make mincemeat out of small clownfish.


My damsels are small yet feisty, but they seem to leave the clown alone. They are still new tank mates though...I originally bought 2 "nemo" percula clownfish and a bubble tip anenome. the dominant clown took the anenome as territory and injured the other clown and it died. I wish the LFS would have suggested only purchasing one clown and one anenome instead of a pair.


i had a 3 stripe damsel & a domino that chased my clown till he jumped
so i would suggest that if you dont want to try to catch them to moniter closely and have a trap (i believe swf has a box with a "swing" door that i caught my two with) on hand incase you do need to catch them