i have a pair of mated clownfish. my tank is 4 20 gallons connected to a sump. with live rock and heavey skimming. have cheato in the refuge. my clownfish have spawn 2 times. first time took the eggs out after 8 days to a rearing tank with same temp and salinty< Never touched air>. only two hatched. next time i waited 8 days and moved the parents to another tank on the systems none hatched. they are oscillirs clownfish. they are on their 3 spawn today and i got 10 gal & 5gallon full of rotifers. how many things am i doing wrong? clowns are in tank by thhemselves SALINITY 1.023 temp 7980 ph8.1 ammo 0 nitrite0 nitrates 0 thank you also they are fertile they change to the point you see thier eyes