

Hi all
I have a very agressive clown fish(so agressive that he riped a yellow tang's fin right off)
and I am going to get a 12 gallon nano cube but I dont just the clown. Any suggestions on how to get other fish with him? Thanks!
PS: He is a very beutiful clown and I dont want to give him up.

sinner's girl

Why not just have the clown in the nano? 12's too small for clowns anyway imo. I've read clowns should have min of 20-30 gl.
With that said. I had a killer clown, Angel. but also didn't want just one fish in my 55gl. FInally got her to get along with another clown (smaller) and a striped damsel. We had to take angel out and put her in a bag since she tried to kill the new clown, then we turned off the lights moved the lr around, waited a few hours till Angel stopped trying to attack the other clown through the bag, then released back in the tank, keeping the lights off. all was well.

bang guy

Originally Posted by clownfish4
I am going to get a 12 gallon nano cube but I dont just the clown.
What does this mean?
Is the Clown a Maroon Clownfish?

sinner's girl

I think he wants to move his clown to the nano, but doesn't want just the clown in the nano, meaning he wants another fish to put with the clown. The tang is not in the nano.


Originally Posted by maroonytun
The clown should be fine in the nano.
You said that you have a yellow tang in there to???
I dont have a yellow tang in the nano?!?! :scared:


Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
I think he wants to move his clown to the nano, but doesn't want just the clown in the nano, meaning he wants another fish to put with the clown. The tang is not in the nano.


Originally Posted by maroonytun
I have two questions.
1. what size tank is the yellow tang in???
2. What kind of clownfish is it???
1. No yellow tang!
2. It is a percula clown.