clowns hate new anenome


New Member
quick question
I have two percula clowns and I just got a
very large saddle carpet
they are avoiding it
does it take them awhile to warm up to it
or will they not ever take cover in it
when I bought it there was on all over it
there is a pic attached


New Member
so will a big anenome like this one scare a clown away
it was just a good price
it's about the size of a bowling ball and it was 35 bucks
so I thought I would try it out.
or does anyone know the anenome of choice for baby percs


Active Member
Actually Percs have their own personalitys.
You can never tell what they will like and when.
My theory is that they only take to anemones/flowerpots/etc when they feel threatened by something in your tank.
It may look nice to you seeing your perc resting in one but it may be doing so to feel safe.
Hope this helps, ;)
My clown only uses an anemone at night, sometimes in it some times under. During the day he never goes near it and is always out looking around or chasing the knight gobies :). Give it a little time , perc's like about all anemone's. Check out the tank after it has been dark for a while, and see if they are around it then.
BTW Nice looking carpet !! you got a good deal on him !!


Active Member
I heard an unusual bit of advice, but may be worth a try. Get a picture of another clownfish, and tape it to the side of the tank. When they see a competitor clown in the area, they may be more inclined to get into that anemone before someone else does.
Worth a go. Please let us know if it works!
PS, that is a beautiful anemone! But looks like it could be a monster! What are your plans for the tank down the road? Is that the "centerpiece" specimen in the tank?


Active Member
were your percs wild caught or captive bred. it is my experience that the captive bred percs take much longer to get into an anemone than wild caught ones.
good luck


New Member
what do you mean buy a monster.
it's about the size of a bowling ball.
is it to big for a 55 gallon.
I actually am setting up a reef tank.
I heard that it's not good for a reef
what should I do

bang guy

She means that it may end up making a meal of your Percs or any other fish in the tank.
I've used the picture method before. It worked perfectly.


Active Member
Every clown is different... some will never take to any anemone, so will take right away, some will take but only after a while.
BTW... nice anemone, and for $35 sounds like a pretty good deal if it's healthy.


Active Member
Well, IMO, it is a poor choice for a reef tank. That animal is not full grown, and they can wander and sting things very badly. If I were you, I would basically call that the 'main' animal in the tank, and not invest in alot of corals. And a spectacular animal it is, but it is also rather aggressive. In a 55, where there is not a lot of room to move, you may find it causing quite a bit of damage, either to other fish, or to corals. Really, even if a fish brushes past it, it can be badly stung.
This may be a situation where a good deal wasn't all that hot once more facts are known. Sorry 'bout that. I would seriously do some more research on these anemones, weigh your options, and take your chances.