New Member
I have a bonded pair of misbar clowns. All of a sudden today ALL the fish in my tank (135 gal) started cleaning the same Rock everytime they swam past including the clowns. Earlier tonight my clowns started doing what I think is like their mating dance?? I looked up mating behavior and it seems pretty spot on with what mine are doing. Both are doing their seizure thing. I noticed my male has been getting darker over the last several days. Im going to get a breeder tank in the morning, however I'm not sure if I should move them and the rock they are all cleaning into the breeder tank or if I should hold off and see if they lay eggs and then move them. They are in the tank with a powder blue tang a tomini tang a yellow tang a snowflake eel a chocolate chip starfish a couple watchmen gobies an ebili Angel a bicolor angel and a foxface and I'm worried that someone may eat the eggs.