

A week ago one of my percula clown fish died. I wanted to add another clown. My LFS told me that I should add two clowns because the clown in my tank may go after it.What do you guys think?I have tried to add a single clown in the past and the one I had origially in the tank went after it and eventuality killed it.
I have a 40 gallon tank wel established (3 years) With one percula clown and a coral beauty.


I would get just one more clown so you would have a pair. When you get the second clown, make sure its a little bit bigger than the established one. If you got a smaller second clown, I think the one that was established(bigger) would pick on the new one. You could even do it the other way around, just make sure that one of them is noticably bigger than the other, so that its easier for them to establish dominence between the two. Wait a little while and see what others have to say though.. :D


Active Member
It is better to have a pair rather than an odd number. Like said above its better to buy a clown that is larger than the one you already have for a less chance that he would pick at him. Also you could rearange the rocks a little, this helps when adding a new fish because then they aren't so territorial.

bang guy

Sorry, but I have the opposite opinion. If you had a pair then the larger was a Female and the smaller a Male. Since you've been with a single Clown for a bit it will have changed to Female. If you get a larger Clown it WILL be a Female. Two Females will fight to the death.
IMO you really need to get a VERY young small Clown. One that is still immature. Anything else, other than just having one, is simply killing a fish.
I have one false percula clown............heres my gig
I like true and false clowns.
If I added 2 true clowns and one false clown.......would everything be ok???


The clown I have is only about an inch. Should I try to get a bigger one or get one that is smaller than that?


I think if you get a completely different type of clown you would be OK, but if you want the same kind, you better trade in the one you have and get 2 that were already in a tank together.


Bang has a great point...
No matter the clown species go for a small one, this way it will stay male


I've had maroon, sebae, and perculas together before. I've never had a problem except when the fish looked alike.