Coke or Pepsi?

the j.o.p.

it doesn't do a body good. it's actually terrible for you. it can clean battery terminals. i know a guy that delivers for coke and wouldn't drink it if his like depended on it!!


Active Member
I agree with the soda being tough....
I believe it is actually the phosphoric acid that is in the soda....
It'll take paint off a car!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Catawaba
I agree with the soda being tough....
I believe it is actually the phosphoric acid that is in the soda....
It'll take paint off a car!
And you believe that ?! ROFLMAO !!! That's a hoax ! So is cleaning battery terminals with coke ! Pure urban legends.
There is alot of "cokelore" if you will call it. Go to and look under Cokelore link. is an Urban legend Reference page.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
And you believe that ?! ROFLMAO !!! That's a hoax ! So is cleaning battery terminals with coke ! Pure urban legends.
There is alot of "cokelore" if you will call it. Go to and look under Cokelore link. is an Urban legend Reference page.
also proven to be a myth by the MythBusters...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
And you believe that ?! ROFLMAO !!! That's a hoax ! So is cleaning battery terminals with coke ! Pure urban legends.
There is alot of "cokelore" if you will call it. Go to and look under Cokelore link. is an Urban legend Reference page.
Saw it with my own eyes, so yes, I believe it.
Old paint, no wax, and warm coca-cola. Bubbled the paint.


I Work For Coca Cola So My Answer Is Coke..... We Have A Diet Coke Plu Calicum Coming Out Soon So Look Out..... Keep Buying So I Can Afford This Hobby. Ha Ha Ha Jk.


Active Member
I will buy it and try it--
Another reason for me to defend Diet Coke as being GOOD FOR ME!!!


bunch of filthy coke drinkers
going to have to change sites now(kidding) thats my loyal pepsicola employee thoughts .. dr pepper is the best but since its not a coke or pepsi product it holds its own


Active Member
Originally Posted by philburt
bunch of filthy coke drinkers
going to have to change sites now(kidding) thats my loyal pepsicola employee thoughts .. dr pepper is the best but since its not a coke or pepsi product it holds its own

Why does Dr. Pepper go on sale whenever Coca-Cola goes on sale?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Catawaba
Why does Dr. Pepper go on sale whenever Coca-Cola goes on sale?
although Dr. Pepper is owned by Cadbury, 90% of the time DP is bottled by you nearest Coca-Cola bottler...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Catawaba
So is it a similar situation with Mr. Pibb or is that a straight up Pepsi/7-Up product?
7-up is also owned by Cadbury, as well as Sunkist, A & W and -- Cola... Sierra Mist is a Pepsi product, Sprite a Coca-Cola...


Active Member
Mr Pibb is a Coca Cola product, but doesnt hold a candle to the sales of Dr Pepper which is why Coca - Cola will bottle DP...