College Football 2004


I thought Oregon play Oklahoma tuff for 3 quarters and then it didn't look good. Still a DUCK FAN! But the Sooners are sooo fast on defense and that Petersen kid is going to be a Hiesman winner in the near future, he's awesome.


pre season predictions (by the "professionals") always go to crap by 3-5 games and by the end of the season they are always making fun of each other for who they picked in the beginning


I'm trying to be so quiet......we had our star QB who had just broken Joe Namath's record for # of TD passes.......and he was a he is no more....till next year....
Have you met our new Quarterback? Mark Guillon? Transfer from Miami? Just when you thought Bama was down????????


Active Member
They call Adrian Peterson AD - Always dangerous. The team wears t-shirts under thier uniforms that say "FINISH". Stoops won't show any more in any game than he needs to and I promise I didn't laugh
when LSU lost last week.
Got to see my first game from the new suites at Memorial Stadium. Don't do it if someone invites you, you'll never want to sit in the stands again! But you'll do it anyway since it's the Sooners.
You know why there were more Oregon fans at the OU game than Houston fans the week before? It's easier for ducks to fly.


New Member
Hello........THE CAL BEARS!!!!
I went to their game last weekend and it was too awesome.
I'm hoping it was a statement about how the rest of our season is going to be.
I can't wait until we beat Stanford agian this year.
:cheer: GO BEARS!


Yeah, I gotta give it to Arkansas. They played hard. It was a good game. Matt Jones is a tough QB. I thought Mark Guillon looked pretty good considering it was his first start at QB.
Now that Bama played a good team, I think we got to see just how young most of our team is, and they made some rookie mistakes. Hopefully we can work on those before next week and South Carolina.
Pontius......Welcome to Bryant-Denny stadium.
Roll Tide!
p.s. This is gonna be a great weekend for college football.


Active Member

Originally posted by Ty_05_f
Yeah, I don't think so Cubuffs.
Right now I pick OU and Georgia for the title game.

You gotta let the pvc cement cure before you close the windows,


I remember my first beer..........:notsure:
reefraff, you are still my hero.
The stool thread....I'm still laughing:hilarious