Colt Frag - Does it look right?


Just fragged this and from the reading I have done it looks right to me but wanted all your expertise. It's not that clear but I cut a piece with a new razor then put a toothpick through it and rubberbanded the toothpick to a small rock.


Looks good. Looks like a big frag. It should take about a week or two, then you can remove the toothpick.


Active Member
Yes, that looks good! The key is to put the toothpick just high enough on the stalk so that you have constant contact with the LR. Here is a pic of my colt frag tied down and a pic after it took hold. I kept it pinned down for about 2 weeks. Good Luck!


Sounds good, Thanks
Viet, All I did was take a brand new razor blade, cut a piece of the coral, stick a toothpick through the stalk and then rubberband the toothpick to a piece of rock. Now that is what I did, others may do it another way.


Active Member
Thank you! I got that piece of Colt as a bonus frag from my LFS and added it to my tank. This what it looked like when I first got it. It is just getting to the point where I may start cutting some frags which I will probably use to trade with at my local Reef Club's frag swap.


How big is your Colt now. Mine is about 7" tall and just as wide if not more. Should I frag it some more?


Active Member
Because I haven't began fragging mine yet I am not sure how much it will tolerate? If you haven't fragged it before I would only take one or two branches it see how it responds. My Colt is about 4 inches.


I go to Turnpike Pet in Fairfield, Coral Reef Imports in Milford, Marine Imports in Shelton and The Living Reef in Westport.