Just fragged this and from the reading I have done it looks right to me but wanted all your expertise. It's not that clear but I cut a piece with a new razor then put a toothpick through it and rubberbanded the toothpick to a small rock.
Yes, that looks good! The key is to put the toothpick just high enough on the stalk so that you have constant contact with the LR. Here is a pic of my colt frag tied down and a pic after it took hold. I kept it pinned down for about 2 weeks. Good Luck!
Sounds good, Thanks
Viet, All I did was take a brand new razor blade, cut a piece of the coral, stick a toothpick through the stalk and then rubberband the toothpick to a piece of rock. Now that is what I did, others may do it another way.
Thank you! I got that piece of Colt as a bonus frag from my LFS and added it to my tank. This what it looked like when I first got it. It is just getting to the point where I may start cutting some frags which I will probably use to trade with at my local Reef Club's frag swap.
Because I haven't began fragging mine yet I am not sure how much it will tolerate? If you haven't fragged it before I would only take one or two branches it see how it responds. My Colt is about 4 inches.
Hey FUSD I am in CT, near Waterbury, I would love to come by and grab a frag, what LFS's do you use? You can email me at jfisher04@snet.net if you like.