comments on your Live Fish Store


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Yeah, I ment a store sign, billboards are just rediculously too expensive. And I don't know how much "new" traffic that would drum into a store. But I can't tell you how many times I've driven by stores not realizing whre they were when I was specifically looking for a lfs. If I didn't know they were around there somewhere I would have never seen them.
Ah, alrighty then.
The place that I am looking at leasing has a traffic count of 36,000 cars per day. It is on one of the main streets in my town. I'm sure that you would find my store pretty easily.


Well-Known Member
By the way,
I figured out something interesting for my decor. I want to have a white tile floor with a black cloth ceiling. There are going to be shop lights in the top, so when you look up, you will get the feeling of being in a fish tank.
The fish room will be symmetrical, everything lining up well. Mid blue walls with light blue stands. I think it will definately look different and sort of pop out and stand out from the rest.
Any suggestions on decor?


This thread is pretty old! Do you have any updates on you store? Id love to see some pics of the location or development of the store.
I also thought of some suggestions, although im not sure if they were posted in the previous four pages.
-Have good store hours!
-this makes me so mad, all the lfs around me seem to have terribly inconvenient hours and are closed a few days a week. Also on the weekend, which would seem to be your big money days they have very limited hours
-Keep the tank stock list updated
-im talking about the writing on the outside of the aquarium that says what fish are in the tank and how much. it bothers me when there a bunch of fish listed but none of them are actually in that tank!


Well-Known Member
Your not going to find good wholesalers in any of those lists. And, if you don't live in
France, then you don't need French wholesalers, do yah?
My e-mail is if you would like to find out more.
I know this thread is pretty old. The store is going alright. The economy is basically crashing right now and people aren't buying as many fish or corals as what I thought they were going to. I am going to keep the business going as long as I can, and hopefully I will come through this slump.
Anyways, everyone wish me luck!