Compatibility ???'s


Can anyone tell me what compatibility issues any of the following fish may have:
Copperband Butterfly
Raccoon Butterfly
Spotted Mandarin
I have a 225g tank with tangs, clowns, cortez ray, chromis, etc....
ANy opinions would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
seems to me they all will work. hopefully they arent tangs with attitudes and will accept new free swimming fish


I know you can't mix butterfly's, my tangs are a yellow tang, sailfin, and blue hippo...all seem peaceful towards other tankmates....which butterfly would you recommend? I really like both, but I would probably pick the copperband cause it is different.


Active Member
actually i would get something other than a CBBF. they are sensitve and usually collected poorly with lots different problems. lots of people have them, raccoons have great personalities


Active Member
the CBBf. maybe raccoon is more common in FO tanks, but most people i talk with on forums are reef heads. i didnt know you could not mix BFs, are your sure about that?


NO, LOL....the site said one per tank, so I was thinking they meant one butterfly....Maybe they meant one type of bf...Anyone know the answer to that???