Sure I have concerns...I have read plenty of info indicating that over time there are potentials for problems...but in most of the discussion I've seen there has been very little to firmly establish that "all DSB's are destined to fail and cause tank crashs"...In the past year there have been volumes written in discussions on-line about the concerns with DSB's that near 5 years in use...but honestly....very few documented examples where the use of a properly established/maintained DSB was the cause......on the other hand I recently looked at pics of a European reef that is truely amazing...and I believe the DSB in that system was reported to have been established nearly 10 years ago....and judging from the pics I saw it still looks to be healthy. I also remember a hobbyist here stateside having algae related problems with a relatively newly established bare bottom system......go that possible....probelms establishing a bare bottom display?????
Its like this...I also worry about the seals on my display failing and the resulting problems associated with that could be major. I have concerns about lots of things associated with maintaining my reef. Any of a number of factors could result in the total loss of my reef...but I don't consider myself foolish enough to stand back and allow a situation to develop to the point where I trash everything I've attempted to establish. If my tank develops a leak I'll take steps to damage control....same as I will IF the danger of maintaining a reef with a DSB causes problems. IF my system degrades and IF I can determine its the result of having a DSB( and lordy knows there is info out there that will point the finger at my DSB) then I think I'll be able to alter my course and salvage enough to continue on....but do I think the chance of a fatal crash via DSB pollution or seal leakage is MAJOR? Nope...I don't worry about things that have "potential".....I just drive my truck and trust that the drunken idiot destined to kill sober folks while operating a vehicle in a drunken condition will miss is a risk and you just manage the potential for danger as best you can. I'm not a extremely experienced reefkeeper...actually I consider myself a rookie compared to hobbyists I admire and trust...but I believe I'll be able to respond to any potential toxic situation quickly enough to safe my humble lil reef. Sort of like I trust my reflexs enough to trust I'll avoid a idiot drunk behind the wheel of a vehicle.
There have been instances where systems fail and the reason has been determined to be a DSB....but there are also other systems with DSB's that have been established for 5+ years without failures.....The DSB in my refugium...which once was my display has been established for about 5 years major problems that I've been able to determine. I trust it hasn't started a process that will result in the loss of my reef...but at the same time I'm confident enough that if problems happen I'll be able to respond to them and prevent a total loss.
...and ya know what.....I'll manage to maintain my reef in times of trouble the same as you bare bottom folks manage thru your difficult times.Seems to me I've also seen and heard of a few minor difficulties hobbyists have experienced even establishing a bare bottom system.....recent affairs too....
There are pros and cons to every attempt to replicate a natural environment as complex as the ones we try to manage...but for the life of me I see no reason to attempt to assert that one method/style is "better" or "safer" or "more practicle" than any other. Heck there are hobbyists out there maintaining decent systems with Crushed coral and hang on mechanical filtration.....plenum systems are still used.....many hobbyists report success with mechanical filtration devices and no skimmers.....just because the high tech end of this hobby seems to believe a bare bottom with massive circulation is the newest and latest trend does not by any means determine that ALL the other available methods are less than acceptable.That alone seems rather elitist to me.....fact is there are numerous successful methods used to establish/maintain a marine system....and I don't buy that one is better than another....and in all honesty I seldom see any experienced hobbyist claim for a fact that any one way is the one and only best way!!!!!!!!!
I use a DSB....and I have tried as best I can to establish it and maintain it according to the experiences of others active in this hobby....mine seems to have been effective to this point...and as time goes by I may indeed develop in a different direction...but I swear I hope I never get to the point in my experience that I attempt to vainly state one way is the way and the only way to success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I once used only 4x65 watts of CSL PC's...and now use a combination of VHO's and MHs...but I'd consider myself a fool if I stated that a combination of VHOs and MHs is the only way to properly light a marine aquarium.
I may be destined to see my reef suffer a total crash and it may be due to the use of a DSB......but each and every hobbyist that spends the time effort and funds that I have runs the same risk no matter what method/style they use.....even bare bottom advocates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now...I confess...I am not a high tech kind of person and the ins and outs of this hobby...especially the high tech stuff confounds me...but I've been around long enough to know a few things.
One...there are many ways to have success in this hobby
Two...time/experience/knowledge results in adaption to better methods/styles
Three...nothing in this hobby is written in stone and whats in now may be out tomorrow.
Four....with patience...and with a drive to maintain a system...there are numerous ways to be successful
Five....most importantly to me...I've come to believe that what works for me may not work for you...and what works for you may not work for me....and that applies to each person that attempts to have a measure of success in this hobby.
Now...go take some pics of your bare bottom systems and post 'em up.....cause I wanna see 'em and enjoy 'em....and continue to evaluate if the future holds a bare bottom for me...but for now I like the look of the sand bed...I like the diversity of life in the sand bed....and for me at least its been a minor contribution to the minor success I've had to this point.
I can't believe I actually allowed myself to respond in this manner....whewwwwwww...thats a lot of words for a feeble old fool like me.....