computer power supply to run cooling fans in canopy?


Active Member
OK, I just installed my first of two 400 watt halides..and in the past two hours, tank temp has increased my one degrees. Im adding fans early thid week before the second halide goes into action...
My question is this...I have two computer fans...the 3 pin 12volt kind. I didnt want to muck around with complicated wiring so I thought of an alternative....Would I be able to pick up a cheapo computer power supply and simply run the fans off of it? It seems to me that it would work, I mean it's no different then being inside a computer....anyone?


you will have to use an AT not an ATX power supply if you do it that way. or you could get a 12volt power block for just the fans the power supply is big and not sealed


you can but you have to use a switch to turn it on like on your computer with an at there are some that are on all the time. but i would not use any of them go get a power block you know one of the big black things that get in the way of your plugs:D

sal t. nutz

What I did was just got a power adatper for electronic devices (like an answering machine or portable CD player) and cut off the end and wired it to the fans. Very cheap and very compact. Just find the voltage that you want. My fans use a 12v power supply, but I used a 7 volt adapter, becasue they spun too fast and were too noisy. Make sure the power suppy is the right amt of amps also. It can be overrated in amps, as the fans will only draw the amps it needs.


Ah yeah, thats right, new ATX formfactor uses a header and switch wired into the mobo to activate the power supply. DUH, I should have known that. :) Yeah, an AT power supply would be better if a computer power supply is used. As for using a power brick like Sal T mentioned, thats a VERY good idea! Cheap as can be I bet.


you will have to find a pin diagram and use a jumper wire to get it to work i dont thing it would last long around saltwater i would do sal t said and just buy a cheap inveter for a walkman make sure it.s for 12 volts or where you can change the voltage and then you can pick the speed you want the fans to run


I have 5 3" computer fans mounted in my hood, I bought them via for a whole $2.50 each and then went to Radio shack and got a 12volt transformer rated at 3 amps for about another 10 bucks, the key here is to find out the rated amps of each fan times the number of fans and get a power supply that puts out enough amperage. As mentioned above, you can overpower the amps without any problems, on the other hand, underpowering will not work (as evidenced by the 2 other power converters I bought and could not return cuz I'm an idiot sometimes LOL)
Hope this helps,



Originally posted by slothy
why not just get 110 volt fans ?

slothy I went with the 12 volt because of price and noise.


yeah they're on a switch but they'll probably run when the lights are on when I finally get this beast built LOL


Active Member
YA I JUST checked out your stand, looking good... wanna build me one :) ill cover beer and bandaids


LOL thanks slothy, actually it's further along than the pics show but the wife is still not a happy camper LOL as far as building you one hmmmmmmm well I drink Cutty Sark Scotch not beer and I can only build stands indoors LOL. Is this a problem?


Active Member
? FOR YA Paul, in one of those pics there is a pice of wood on a angle whats that for or do ? some type of brace ?


Active Member
good call .. assuming that is where he is putting it... the fine details.. (i always seem to leave out or not do)


bing bing bing Java wins! LOL ... I apologize to Azonic for hi-jacking his thread it was really unintentional and I'm going to open a thread devoted to slothy's eyesight "Pics of stand construction"
Thanks all,