Condy Anenome


ANyone have any experience with these i just bought one for 7 dollars, why are tehy so cheap? and what special requirements do they need.
Condies are a hardy and readily availible anenomie, they are from the atlantic. They are a rather roaming anenomie compared to others and i have heard they are very aggressive. Very few clowns with associate with a condy. Other than that i have seen them in all kinds of tanks with just florecnets and doing just fine. My advise Feed it often and keep an eye on it, they like to go towards the top of tanks. I lost mine to my magnum, got sucked in.


The problem I've found with my condis is that they end up being a whole lot bigger than thought. Both of mine ended up opening up at least 3 times bigger than what they were at the LFS. I thought I was buying small ones, but in my 29, sometimes when one would extend completely, it would take up almost a quarter of the tank. Like SnF said, they like to roam a lot, so make sure you protect your powerhead intakes. Other than that, they've been real easy to care for. Just make sure to feed it enough - I've fed mine whole silversides before.


I've had one for about 2 months now and for the first month it was everywhere in my tank. For the last month, it planted itself right out front and a maroon clown has taken to it. The maroon even feeds it for me.


New Member
I've kept a Condy for a few months now and has been doing well with feedings every 2-3 days with fresh shrimp and silversides. However, it did eat my small false percula clown. I've been told the sting is quite high compared to other anemones. Has anyone kept a Condy with a clown other than a maroon?


New Member
The sting??? I've handled a condy before at my LFS. The guy was a great big wuss so I bumped in and got it out. The sting doesn't hurt at all. IT's just sticky. It will grab on sort of like an octopus or so. It's sort of even ticklish.
I've never seen a condy with a clown before.... Hopefully when I get a condy maybe my percula's will go for it.


New Member
The "sting" I was taking about InvaderZim is that by which it inflicts upon its prey to capture and eat it, not its affect on a human hand.


Active Member
To (Maybe) answer your question about if it dies does it poison the tank. Mine was huge and I mean like the size of a dinner plate when fully expanded, then could go down to the size of a golf ball. We left for 3 days, came back and it had totally disappeared. No trace in the filters or skimmer or anything. So I checked water parameters and only thing up was nitrates which wasn't so bad. Everything and everybody else was fine. did a 25% water change just to be sure. My experience/my opinion. Hope this helps


New Member
I know the sting
The sting???
I was just sort of " answering". I know about anemones, I'm doing my whole biology report and experiment on them.
:D ;)


New Member
that cracks me up..... no, i never did an experiment on lighting and anemones, but on anemones and clownfish. HAHAHAHA
The fair is in a couple weeks so I gotta go make some sort of " poster for my experiment.
you are god sammy. you know everything How do you know that I am not doing this experiment. I'm sorry, unless you are god himself than you yourself are ridiculous. suck


New Member
Ladies and Gentlemen, Elvis has left the building. suck

I'm sick of this board. Time to go find some help that is useful. suck
hahahah aHAHAHAHA


New Member
I don't take the bus, the school is across the street.
That's fun.
Oh yeah, special education?? I remember my 3rd grade friend taking that class, last time I visited that class was in the 4th grade when some kid puked his brains out. Disgusting,
My sebae loves my condy, I just love it how it rubbles himself with the condi, the only thing I do hate about it is that I drop a cube of formula two for the foxface and the sebae steals the whole cube and takes it to the condi, kind of funny but makes me angry. :)