cone snail in my tank


Active Member
At least I think it is. I noticed it moving rocks around today, and stupidly, didn't remove it when I had the chance. It is coned shaped, brownish and tan and has a hollow tail at the end of the shell. It's a little over an inch long.
If it is a cone snail, exactly how much should I be freaking out? "Tear apart my tank" freaking out, or just "be careful" freaking out?


Active Member
I would be freaking out...Cone snails kill fast and painfully humans too!
here is a pic to one eating a neon goby


Active Member
that video looks a lot like the snail in my tank--from what I can see anyway. it has a tail just like that.
wonderful. i suppose i'll be tearing apart the tank then!


Active Member
im sorry polar...
Have any fish gone missing? The pictured snail is actually a conus magnus...swift little killers as you can see... Try and catch it first....very safely

bang guy

I can't say for sure that you don't have a Cone Snail but the odds are really really slim unles you recently received a shipment of Australian live rock.
I would just leave it even if it is a Cone Snail. They don't normally use their dart for defense unless you pick them up.


Active Member
You know...I don't know for sure. Maybe it is a conch. But I had conchs before, and it looks just like a cone snail.
Yes, I have had fish go missing. Two in fact. A Sailfin and an algae blenny. But they were larger than what I would think a small snail would attack. I trumped it up to my purple lobster going on a murderous rampage.
I think I'm going to get it out of the tank anyway. You never know, and I'd rather be safe than sorry. I move my rocks around a lot and I don't want to accidently grab it and get stung if it is a cone snail.
I'm going to look for it tonight--if I can get a pic, I'll post it. But if I can get a pic, I'll also be tossing it out of my tank immediately afterward!.