
newbie 67

I have a 35 hex with 2 550 power heads and a skimmer 175 watt M.H. 20 or so lbs. of l.r. 3 damsels,clown,royal grama and a eninger goby. A aneome,brittle star,conch,hermits and snails. A got a cleaner shrimp it died 5 days latter replaced it and it died the next day. All my water # are good my s.g. ig around .23. Any sugestions why shrimp are dieing. The tank is over a year old.


Active Member
That bites :( It's possible you got two stressed shrimp. are you sure they're dead, they could have molted.


Active Member
And like Farslayer said, it is a possibility to molt that quickly. One of mine molted the day after I added him. Stress is one thing that triggers molting...

newbie 67

I will post my pramaters when I get home from work. I belive they where shrimp they stunk bad and where more then a shell.

newbie 67

Ok here is my water pram.
s.g. 1.023
calcium 450
nitrate 5.0
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
ph 8.0
Ok please let me know I was planning on trying to add 1 tommorow.

luca brasi

Originally Posted by newbie 67
Ok here is my water pram.
s.g. 1.023
calcium 450
nitrate 5.0
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
ph 8.0
Ok please let me know I was planning on trying to add 1 tommorow.

Maybe test the lfs water and see if there's a big difference...

newbie 67

Yeah I can try that. Tell me if you heard this. I went today to get one but the Mgr. of my lfs said I am running short on stock it's getting close to the end of the season. Hows that for a line of ----. Was did this hobby have a sezson or am I just stupid.


Sorry about your shrimp... My LFS tells me she can only get things in season...... She is really good to me so I hope she isnt feading me a line of !@#$.


mine is out by the next day

they hide because the new shell is not hard and they can be attacked and eaten by anyone so he will wait till he is harder but not long

newbie 67

That sux did you ever figure out why? I am nervous about adding livestock. But am adding a Yellow watchman Goby any minute now. It's been acclamting for 3 hrs. 16 mts. going to wait another 15 then let it go.