Contest-Who has the most colorful reef


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tiberius
Man, I just love that clam. Reminds me of something from the 70's!!
I was getting ready to ask what the psychodelic thing was in the middle of the pic. I want one of those. All I would need after that was a blacklight, some nice lambchop sideburns, a zeppelin cd, and some rolling papers.
Note to self: Do not drop LSD and look at that clam.
Beautiful though, kidding about the rest.


New Member
Murph...what is that spotted coral you have in the center of your tank.
Dementia (sp) as i'm on another page now...anyway, do you have a skimmer on that tank? Do you have a refugium? How do you maintain such a small tank with that many awesome job.
Thanks in advance for the answers..loving these contests

fish addict

Originally Posted by NewbieTina
Murph...what is that spotted coral you have in the center of your tank.
Dementia (sp) as i'm on another page now...anyway, do you have a skimmer on that tank? Do you have a refugium? How do you maintain such a small tank with that many awesome job.
Thanks in advance for the answers..loving these contests
it's Demartini, lol


Originally Posted by fish addict
it's Demartini, lol

Did DeMartini really win? I didn't see any message from reef noob. I thought this just got dropped?!??


Active Member
Whoa, another contender. Awesome pics!
I think the contest stopped b/c all the tanks are so great! Just can't pic the best one!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Yeah I just looked at that, June 12...sorry.

no no, doesn't matter if the contest is off or not, those pictures are great. thanks for sharing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbrockm1
hey martini how are your coco worms? how long have you have them? if you don't mind me asking
It seem to be doing good, but it's not as red as it use to be. I've had him for about 6 months.


Active Member
i have been looking for about a month maybe longer to find a small one like that andi have found close but no dice, so i settled for a crocea(sp) it gets here in the morning