Contest-Who has the most colorful reef


So is every one ready to judge or our we going to give it one more day for some last minute photos. MOre pics more pics


Active Member
i'd keep it until next week or at least over the weekend. maybe more will add, the longer you keep it open.


I just love the way your tank looks! All the SPS corals and that huge clam, they are all AWESOME !!!!!

What type of clam is that exactly?
The color pattern it has its really cool. It's a change of scenery from all the blue clams you see.
Keep up the good work! I just hope that one day my tank gets to look the way yours does or somewhat close to yours!
I'm investing in a 65 gallon (right now I have a 12 gallon aquapod- And I definitely cannot have any clam or SPS coral in in),
so I'm hoping to have a few SPS corals and a clam or two in the new tank when it gets good and established!
I thinking about 2 MH 175 watt units to go over the 36 inch long tank with a suplument of 78 watts of t5's to go along with the MH lighting!
Do you think 428 watts of lighting is enough lighting for these animals?


Active Member

Originally Posted by crt81
I just love the way your tank looks! All the SPS corals and that huge clam, they are all AWESOME !!!!!

What type of clam is that exactly?
The color pattern it has its really cool. It's a change of scenery from all the blue clams you see.
Keep up the good work! I just hope that one day my tank gets to look the way yours does or somewhat close to yours!
I'm investing in a 65 gallon (right now I have a 12 gallon aquapod- And I definitely cannot have any clam or SPS coral in in),
so I'm hoping to have a few SPS corals and a clam or two in the new tank when it gets good and established!
I thinking about 2 MH 175 watt units to go over the 36 inch long tank with a suplument of 78 watts of t5's to go along with the MH lighting!
Do you think 428 watts of lighting is enough lighting for these animals?

Hey there! i am glad u like my tank and thanks for the very kind words!
as far as the clam it is a blue spotted squamosa clam.... fast grower and will take alot of calcium out of your water.... this clam has grown from about 8" to now about 14" in just one year.... ur guna need a constant supply of calcium thats for sure... same with sps corals
as far as lighting goes i think u should be just fine with that setup.... i run 3-250W 14K Mh's over my tank and everything is happy as can be
share some pics when u get a chance later on everyone loves to see updates


Active Member
Murph, what is your calcium level? Do you add anything to the water to keep it at the right level?


Originally Posted by murph145
Hey there! i am glad u like my tank and thanks for the very kind words!
as far as the clam it is a blue spotted squamosa clam.... fast grower and will take alot of calcium out of your water.... this clam has grown from about 8" to now about 14" in just one year.... ur guna need a constant supply of calcium thats for sure... same with sps corals
as far as lighting goes i think u should be just fine with that setup.... i run 3-250W 14K Mh's over my tank and everything is happy as can be
share some pics when u get a chance later on everyone loves to see updates

Thanks! I'll definitely post pics when it is all set up!
And again that clam it awesome!!!!


grumpygils... whats the big purple thingy under your large Zoo Colony. Any closer photos of that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by PASPhotography
grumpygils... whats the big purple thingy under your large Zoo Colony. Any closer photos of that?
Purple tube anenome. They need space as they sting everything! I am always moving stuff away from him. I have the current set so he can't hit anything important for the time being. I will get a better PIC soon.


Wait?! is the contest over?!

i spent 4 hours aquascaping this crayon box of colors...
my hands were all pruny after. some appreciation would be nice. *cough *cough


Nice job Lazy! How hard is it to redo everything after all the corals are in place tho?


All these tanks are sweet... Everyone else that posts should post tank stats so we know what your working with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Purple tube worm They need space as they sting everything! I am always moving stuff away from him. I have the current set so he can't hit anything important for the time being. I will get a better PIC soon.
Close tube worm PIC


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Murph, what is your calcium level? Do you add anything to the water to keep it at the right level?
my calcium level is around 420-440 right now but i try to keep it anywhere from 400-440
i have a calcium reactor that does the work i will dose some liquid calcium once in a while and i dose Kalk in my top off water


Active Member
Ok, I will try, nothing better to do today so I snapped a bunch of pictures and here are the few I kept.



Active Member
Originally Posted by crt81
Isn't that a tube anemone?

Sorry, Yes, I said it right earlier in the post . I have been hunting the web for exotic coco worms and misstated it.



Originally Posted by grumpygils
Sorry, Yes, I said it right earlier in the post . I have been hunting the web for exotic coco worms and misstated it.

No problem! I just wanted to know b/c if it was one I would be searching for one myself!
Also, the anemone is in a tube- right?

Does it move around?
Meaning- if I put one with my corals will it stay put?
I love the color of yours!

Will it leave the tube?

Please give me all the info you have on it!


Active Member

Originally Posted by crt81
No problem! I just wanted to know b/c if it was one I would be searching for one myself!
Also, the anemone is in a tube- right?

Does it move around?
Meaning- if I put one with my corals will it stay put?
I love the color of yours!

Will it leave the tube?

Please give me all the info you have on it!
He is permanent and does not move other than reaching tentacles. I am going to get a neon orange one soon.



Originally Posted by grumpygils
He is permanent and does not move other than reaching tentacles. I am going to get a neon orange one soon.

So if I put one in my soon to be 65 gallon and space it far away from the corals I will not have a problem with it causing harm to the corals!
How big is yours and how big will it get?