Contest-Who has the most colorful reef


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Not a contender but maybe some day.
Hey, your tanks have more color than mine does right now.


Originally Posted by Hefner413
Also, I think everybody should submit at least one full tank shot just so we can see what it looks like overall. imo
I agree, I like to look at the whole tank over all, so far I have seen some really colorfull tanks and all diffrent sizes, This will be harder then I thought.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
Nice pics Murph!!!
here is my 14 gallon...
Nice pics DeMartini!!! Your tank has really come along in a BIG way. Looks great!!!!
I'm taking notes and want to add some of those corals to my 125. What kind of lights are you using? Also, is your clowns hosting your frogspawn? Do they hurt it?
Murph, she's going to give you a run for your money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reef noob
alright judges are:
-reef noob
only 1 more
I'll throw my name in and judge if you're still looking for another.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Nice pics DeMartini!!! Your tank has really come along in a BIG way. Looks great!!!!
I'm taking notes and want to add some of those corals to my 125. What kind of lights are you using? Also, is your clowns hosting your frogspawn? Do they hurt it?
Murph, she's going to give you a run for your money.

haha thanks!
I use a 70 watt metal halide. My clowns are hosting the frogspawn and it doesn't bug it one bit. =)


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Not a contender but maybe some day.
not a contendr?!
Grumpy your tanks are amazing and IMO they are just as good as murphs and Demaritni's im sorry if i forgot some other nice one but its late and these re the ones i remember
well i hope i did not discourage ne
one these tanks are all beautiful


Active Member
Dang Demartini!!! ur tanks lookin awesome these days!!!
nice shots for sure and nice shots everyone i love seein everyones eye candy!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
not a contendr?!
Grumpy your tanks are amazing and IMO they are just as good as murphs and Demaritni's im sorry if i forgot some other nice one but its late and these re the ones i remember
well i hope i did not discourage ne
one these tanks are all beautiful
I would have a chance if I wasn't a RIC murderer! I love them but my new crop is just getting going! Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
I would have a chance if I wasn't a RIC murderer! I love them but my new crop is just getting going! Thanks
Just to be up to date. I took a new PIC.


Great looking tank! I love your Monty's..................


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefernana
Great looking tank! I love your Monty's..................

Thanks! The Orange/Red one grew from a 3 inch round frag.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Not a contender but maybe some day.
wow dont underestimate your self. my tank looks like a rat turd compared to that