Controlling Sawblade Caulerpa?


I bought some new live rock a few weeks ago. It had a few blades of algae growing on time has passed this appears to be a very fast growing algae called sawblade caulerpa. Any idea how I can control it short of busting out my hedge trimmers? Is it something that I want/need to control?

bang guy

What size tank? It can overrun Corals and smother them if not kept in check. If you can control it with weekly (or more often) pruning then it can make an attractive, useful addition but if it gets out of control is can cause serious damage.


Thanks Bang Guy -
It's a 75 gal tank. I do like the addition of living plants...but I am afraid of the impending invasion. I don't have any corals...but have them in my future plans. Will the caulerpa help with the water quality?

bang guy

That's debateable.
Everytime you harvest some you are removing Nitrogen and phosphate so in that regard it improves water quality.
Everytime you harvest some the caulerpa will begin producing more caulerpins so in that regard is degrades water quality.
Overall, I think it's a plus but there is real danger of it growing out of control.
What to you think of Rabbitfish?


Hmmm...not familiar with the I'll take a look. I read that a tang may be an this true? I really like the Kole Tang...