Controversial threads should be banned


So Salty Blues is congratulating journeyman on his excellent debating skills on the abortion thread. What's interesting is he/she admits to starting the controversial thread without ever replying. That appears to me like he/she just wanted to get a rise out of seeing members here go after one another on a very heated topic. Personally, I think doing something like that is just the same as one of those pyros in California who started one of the fires that destroyed thousand's of homes. Salty lit the match, and sat back and watched it burn into a firestorm.
If the mods want to control the heated off-topics here, cut them off before they start. You're intelligent people, and know what topics will set off the various members here. I know this 'The Aquarium' board is meant for open topics not related to the saltwater hobby. However, if you want to start controversial threads, post a link to that kind of topic on MySpace, Facebook, or wherever there's a spot for blogs like that. Keep letting them start here will end up causing resentment and hatred towards members. Then when someone really needs help with their tanks, the person who has the knowledge to help that person will blow them off. "I'm not helping that person. He's Pro Choice and a baby killer. Let his tank die for all I care."


Active Member
Originally Posted by rudedog40
He's Pro Choice and a baby killer. Let his tank die for all I care."
Just kidding!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by rudedog40
has the knowledge to help that person will blow them off. "I'm not helping that person. He's Pro Choice and a baby killer. Let his tank die for all I care."

maybe we should be respectful enough to understand people have their own beliefs and understandings, its ok to talk those out and have debates over it....everyone should be above those petty "he is this.... no way am i helping him." Debate a discussion, come out of it friends like you went in.


Active Member
I assumed the vast majority of posters were grown ups. I am just as passionate about my fill in the blank views as anybody but it has never entered into my mind to blowoff somebody I don't agree with on an unrelated question.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
maybe we should be respectful enough to understand people have their own beliefs and understandings, its ok to talk those out and have debates over it....everyone should be above those petty "he is this.... no way am i helping him." Debate a discussion, come out of it friends like you went in.
yea but thats really asking alot man....LOL

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
maybe we should be respectful enough to understand people have their own beliefs and understandings, its ok to talk those out and have debates over it....everyone should be above those petty "he is this.... no way am i helping him." Debate a discussion, come out of it friends like you went in.


Active Member
It is all about being mature. People are entiltled to there own opinions.
This is what makes our country diverse and so great,
(dont always understand). Also a form of intelligence is being able to accept criticism and listen to someone else view. Preventing these threads is no different than the government telling you what to do.


Active Member
I have to agree. Most of these controversial threads do no serve any purpose besides a mild amount of entertainment that could just as easily be reached by discussing a feel good topic like, The fact that the Browns are going to win the superbowl!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I have to agree. Most of these controversial threads do no serve any purpose besides a mild amount of entertainment that could just as easily be reached by discussing a feel good topic like, The fact that the Browns are going to win the superbowl!
Not everyone shares the same interest in football (example). But alot of people can relate to abortion and politics.


Active Member
In this day in age... anything can be considered as controversial or against someone's beliefs... There could be a hunting thread about deer season that someone could be offended by... It can't be outlawed... only moderated...


Active Member
Originally Posted by mie
Not everyone shares the same interest in football (example). But alot of people can relate to abortion and politics.
WHAT?!? People don't have the same interest in the Browns as I do? That is just crazy. The Browns are the best team ever, just look at the facts. If you don't agree with me you are wrong and not a very nice person!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
In this day in age... anything can be considered as controversial or against someone's beliefs... There could be a hunting thread about deer season that someone could be offended by... It can't be outlawed... only moderated...
I suppose you have to draw a line somewhere. But starting a thread on a topic that you KNOW will only get people on both sides of a topic angry is what I would consider controversial. Starting a thread about hunting could go either way. One person could start one wanting to share his/her experience or talk with people who share the interest while a second person could start one because they saw a topic about animal cruelty and figured it would stir people up...


Active Member
How about banning users who can't control themselves? It's pretty obvious if you look at the locked threads were the problems stem from. We SHOULD able to talk about those subjects, hopefully something like this would get those that can't participate nicely in line.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
How about banning users who can't control themselves?

Who is to say who isnt controlling themselves? Those who feel the person is against what their beliefs are so they are not controlling themselves? Giving a user the ability to ban someone on situations where no real arguing is happening but just difference of opinions is strongly imposed gives too much rule over people instead of letting them have a healthy heated debate.


Active Member
No, a user definitely should not have the power to ban another user. Only admin/staff. There is a fine line, but still a line between a heathly heated debate, and a bad, heated debate that gets locked. What was the point of a thread that is locked and no one can participate any more? There is nothing 'heathly' about name calling, claming superiority, etc. If the thread was truly 'heathly' and positive for the board, why was it locked? You can get you point across without falling back to tactics that get a thread locked.