Converted to Reef.. BEAUTIFUL... no 56k..


I converted my 135g fowlr to reef..
I finally sat down and read the instruction book that came with my camera so i took some pictures..



Active Member
Wow, that is truly beautiful. How long did it take you to get all the coral in place?


Originally Posted by m0nk
Wow, that is truly beautiful. How long did it take you to get all the coral in place?
1 saturday....


Chevron tang
Emperor angel
Royal gamma
2 true perc clowns
Dwarf fuzzy lion
Green mandarin
Too many corals 2 list...
And yes my angel does not bother anything in the tank.. And i only feed him once a day along with the other fish...
any other questions just ask away...


Active Member
wow. what a change. nicely done. does your angel eat your zoas? i have the same tube anemone. beautiful!


nope.. he doesn't bother anything... He likes to steal food from the anemones.. I have that tube anemone and 2 rose bubble tips that walk all over top of my corals and everything is fine.. pretty funny..


Originally Posted by WangoTango
awsome transformation
. what are the spec? lighting, skimmer etc...
PFO lighting 3x 250mh 20k blueline bulbs 4 x 96w PC's
Lots of flow.. about 3200gph in pumps using a scwd on my return pump...
20 gal sump with a 225 coralife super skimmer.. I also have a big Top phathom skimmer but im too lazy to put it in there right now..
And right now im dosing a two part manually.. The guy i got all my sps from just dosed Purple up every now and then and nothing else..


Active Member
Your first picture on post #2 is awesome. I love the color contrast in that shot! Great pics, keep them coming...


Your tank is amazing! Really beautiful. I love the pictures. What camera are you using? Also, I'd love to know the settings on the camera you used to get such a close up full tank shot.
Thank you.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
nice tank! so you just went and bought all the corals one day? how much did you spend that day?

No i didnt buy them all in one day.. sorta.. I bought someone's entire setup just to take all the corals.. I still have all the equipment in my garage.. But once i sell it i should only end up being like $200-$300 deep..

I even took most of his fish + some of my old fish to the LFS to buy all the little stuff i needed...
Only thing that happened was a bubble coral got a little damaged and he hasn't grown/inflated all of his bubbles yet...
But everything is really happy...


Originally Posted by Arandacole
Your tank is amazing! Really beautiful. I love the pictures. What camera are you using? Also, I'd love to know the settings on the camera you used to get such a close up full tank shot.
Thank you.
Its a digital camera... Pentax optio t10... It's the one with the touch screen... its nothing like some of the cameras i've seen people using on
For the settings i kinda adjusted everything until i thought it looked best then took the pictures.. Some settings were different so the pictures didn't come out as good..