I am getting another one. That powerhead plus the return is all I have agitating the surface for now. I plan on getting one in the next week and placing it on the other side of the tank.
Originally Posted by bulldoggg03 http:///forum/post/3118045
I am getting another one. That powerhead plus the return is all I have agitating the surface for now. I plan on getting one in the next week and placing it on the other side of the tank.
wow cool thanks eveyone that makes me feel good. I was second guessing myself and the job I did on the placement of it all. I am going to keep the same concept but maybe move the big corner piece away from the back glass if I can. I dont like the fact that it is leaning up against the glass. That can create a dead spot back there right?
and keep in mind any caves you have you want to be facing forward. I try to eliminate most of the ones in the back so i can actually see my fish when they want to hide and sleep
So over the weekend I had a buddy over. He took a look at my tank and recommended the rock not be touching the back glass. So once again I had to do some moving around. THIS IS FINAL...LOL I have the big island on the left the way I want it and it is this way to stay. The big cave in the island is facing me so any fish that does a swim through is coming out the front. Also I added a couple of things this weekend. Saturday 2 Green Chromis, about 10 blue leg hermit crabs, 6 snails, 1 peppermint shrimp, and one emerald. Before I added all this stuff I had an amonia reading of .25. I am dosing my tank heavily with TLC bacteria. I added 2 porcelain crabs, and 7 more green chromis yesterday. Everything is still living. Just waiting a 2-3 days before feeding. I did this to get some life in the tank other than just the live rock. Here are some pictures. The first one is the whole tank. The little island on the right is not complete. Its just the left over rock I had from making the island on the left. Something really cool happened sunday morning too. My peppermint shrimp molted. Got some pictures of that too.