Convine My mom to make Aggressive


Active Member
no not at all heres one site i could find ten more if ya want no disrespect or anything
Also known as: Common Lionfish, Turkeyfish, Red Firefish, Butterfly Cod, Devilfish, Red Volitan Lion
Maximum Size: the Pterois volitans grows up to 15 inches.
General Size Specifications: The small size will come to you generally 1½ to 3 inches; the medium generally 3 to 5 inches; the large generally 5 to 8 inches.
Minimum Tank Size: The Volitan Lionfish Colored Lionfish prefers a tank of at least 60 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim.
Diet: The Pterois volitans is a carnivore and likes to eat variety of live foods (shrimp & fish).
Level of Care: The Volitan Lionfish Colored Lionfish is a low maintenance fish.
Behavior: The Volitan Lionfish Colored Lionfish may act aggressively toward other fish. THIS FISH IS VENEMOUS. The pelvic, pectoral and dorsal fins of this fish can cause extreme pain. Severe reactions can occur if allergic. If stung soak injured area in hot water and seek medical attention.
Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Range: Indo-Pacific.
General Notes: This species is covered by our Stay Alive gurantee only on the medium & large sizes. Our Stay Alive guarantee is not available on the small size because the small size is a delicate shipper. Pterois volitans ("Tare-oh-ease vawl-it-tanz) (Linnaeus 1758), is THE Lionfish to most folks. It is the most commonly displayed and sold member of the family; the quintessential marine aquarium specimen, with it's long flowing pectoral and dorsal fin rays. Volitans lions span the color range of banded red to black against alternating creamy white. Black and red volitans lions are color variations. THIS FISH IS VENEMOUS. The pelvic, pectoral and dorsal fins of this fish can cause extreme pain. Severe reactions can occur if allergic. If stung soak injured area in hot water and seek medical attention.


Active Member
i saw a full grown volitan one time THERE IS NO WAY HE CULD FIT IN A 125, but culdnt she even have 2 dwarf lions?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JJJoey
..i know volitans need bigger i want a dwarf in there.. but read that lsit

i swear they do not need bigger than a 125 that source is VERY trustable they know what there doing! if you want one get one thats my oppinion its a plenty big tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by JJJoey
i saw a full grown volitan one time THERE IS NO WAY HE CULD FIT IN A 125, but culdnt she even have 2 dwarf lions?
ok but ive seen a couple in 75 gallon tanks that were probably 12 inches they were practically full grown and they had PLENTY of room they rarely move and even if they do a 75 gallon is 18 inches deep and over 3 feet long and what 20 inches high the fish would be plenty fine.. again just my oppinion


Yes lion fish may hover in place alot but all fish need exercise a 75 gal is no where near sufficent for a volitan. JMO . Might consider one in a 300 thats just me though who i am was jmo


Dont know aggresive fish that well do know about some but not enough to give you the advice you need be patient and wait for someone else to buzz in.Sorry


Active Member
i got one in a 220 and its more than enough room in my oppinion the thing has roam of the tank all day long idk maybe im wrong but i have NEVER seen more than a 75 gallon recomended for those guys


I listen to these debates all the time. The basic difference is that there is a minimum requirement for a fish to survive. On the other hand, the other side is speaking more about the tank requirements for a fish to be happy/comfortable or whatever you want to call it. In that sense, you're both right. Does anybody dispute that a volitan can survive in a 125? Does anybody dispute that a volitan would do better in a 300?


Its just that if so to say a volitan only gets to 15 inches i dont know have never owned one personally a 75 gal tank is only 18inches wide leaves 3 inches to spare not including if you have live rock in the display. Jmo


Active Member
i agree it would be happier in a 300.. and so would any other fish.. so in that sense i agree.. volitans are such a commonly sold fish.. it wouldnt be so popular if it needed a 300 gallon tank.. in the end it doesnt matter b/c the fish wont die or be unhealthy either way
a small puffer would be cool to like valentini(spelling?)


Guest Ray... borderline. And the only thing that may pick at one is the wrasse.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rgmason
Its just that if so to say a volitan only gets to 15 inches i dont know have never owned one personally a 75 gal tank is only 18inches wide leaves 3 inches to spare not including if you have live rock in the display. Jmo
good point but how many are gonna get that big? not many...
you could even get a lobster.. ive been tempted for a long time now theyre pretty interesting things


Jcrim no more is needed to be said. I was just getting a little carried away i think. its 2 am here and i cant sleep so a little cranky will try to swim doh i mean fly right.


Active Member
the wrasse could be a problem with the ray.. but thats as far as i go i think the rest should be fine


No problem, I just hear this debate all the time. Can a fish survive vs. will the fish be happy. These are not one and the same. BTW I'm a little cranky myself... baby crying off and on all night.


Active Member
id say get a ray and a valentini and a dwarf lion and cut out the wrasse and maybe another fish and call it good?