cool little critter



went to the lfs a while ago and saw a spanish dancer, no not a human dancer a seaslug that swims:D I fell in love with it immidatly and wanted to buy him but we were going out to eat afterwards and i new i couldent hold him while i eat so i reconsidered. The lfs said they need light to survive and you could feed them marine snow. One ?, do they do well in captivity or are they a seaslug version of a moorish idol? I really want one :)


If I remember correctly, spanish dancers can be quite dangerous to other fish. they have either nematocysts like jellyfish, or glass shards, I can't remember. I do remember a tank in a department store that had all the fish die after they had one in it. Apparently the spanish dancer's defences had imbeded themselves in the glass and were killing the fish after it had left. although very beautiful, I would recommend against getting it unless you had only small fish. I am no expert by any means, but I HTH. Either way it is a bump. Maybe Banguy can lend his expertice :)

bang guy

There are a few different species each one eating a different variety of sponge. The only way to know what species of sponge it eats would be to get a sample of the sponge it was eating when captured. I believe they get up to two feet long.
Not appropriate for the hobby at all.