Coolguy's 29g Reef with ALOT of PICS!!


Well today the diary grows..... it was b-day recently so everyone that knows about my obsession decided to help out.
I got some livestock:
Gold Stripe Maroon (2")
Pygmy Angel (.75")
Here is an update.....................
Water Test:
Temp: 81 Constantly
Specific Gravity: 1.026
PH: 8.2
Ammonia: undetectable
Nitrite: undetectable
Nitrate: 10ppm
Phosphate: undetectable
Carbonate Hardness (dKH): 8
Calcium: 420
Magnesium: 1720 (a little high?)
Everything seems normal......
Here are some pictures I liked



Ok so here's an update of all that has been going on recently:
My mixed Reef is really becoming a total addiction as the days progress. This weekend I will be building a Sump/Fuge for my little 29g.
And now i'm considering a 240g to replace it....... Big jump? Oh Well?
Crack is good.
So i got my shipment from zanclus all the way from NYC. I took some Pics of them also....... the first set are my shipment.... The rest..... WELL THAT IS MY CRACK ADDICTION.
Enjoy and comments are always welcome...... Thank you.



Active Member
Not sure if you mentioned this already, but How did you get that rock to look so cool? With the big ledge like that?? Awesome tank man!


There is no glue or epoxy..... Its just a big rock, that I placed on top of 2 other rocks wheich are pretty much buried. the I dropped a few other rocks on the back of the big rock.
Its a very big rock. I guess when i was picking them it stood out and said pick me.
Thanks for the compliments.


What up Coolguy So*Cali in the house!
As far as the metallic green tip frogspawn I bought one with a couple heads. I love the sun coral and shromms on your avatar. Nice tank i'm trying to get mine there.


New Member
Hey coolguy, sweet tank! its really come a long way. just had to ask, what filtration do you use, if you don't mind me asking...


Originally Posted by brstwv
What up Coolguy So*Cali in the house!
As far as the metallic green tip frogspawn I bought one with a couple heads. I love the sun coral and shromms on your avatar. Nice tank i'm trying to get mine there.
Wow not that many people here from So Cal......
Which part of So-Cal are you form?


Originally Posted by TheLogan
Hey coolguy, sweet tank! its really come a long way. just had to ask, what filtration do you use, if you don't mind me asking...
Thanks Logan.
The filtration I got setup is, a modded Skilter Filter which I took apart and stuffed it with Cheato.....
I have a Coralife Super Skimmer 65 HOB ( I overskim)
And 45-50 Pounds of LR then about 30 pounds of LS. and 24x turnover.
I'm adding a sump/fuge this weekend.......... Can't wait.


Active Member
where the heck did you get a pygme angel in socal?!?!!? ive been looking for one forever and cant find one
congrats on the B Day and nice tank with some premo livestock. once some of my zoo frags grow we should trade


just wondering... do you have any pics of your tank when it was overstocked with all the other fish? im just wonderin what a 29 gallon with all those fish looked like.


Look very nice Coolguy. I am glad the frags are doing well. They all are fast growers so you should have nice colonys in about a year!!!


Originally Posted by gharner
just wondering... do you have any pics of your tank when it was overstocked with all the other fish? im just wonderin what a 29 gallon with all those fish looked like.
Here you go
Blue Hippo Tang
Yellow Tang
Flame Angel
True Percula Clown
3 Stripe Damsel
Sand Sifter Goby
and there was one more......