copepod tank


Couple of quick questions. I drove 2 hours today to purchase copepods from a pet store. I dont have much around me, so I had to drive a good distance. I have 19 gallon established tank with one clown fish, live sand and live rock in it. I am drip acclimating the clown to my larger mostly fishless tank (has one mandarin. I purchased the pods to put into the 19 gallon to hopefully breed them in there. I also bought a bag of macro algae to put into this tank. Do I need to block the intake on the filter with a sponge or will these guys stay mostly in the algae and rocks. Anything else that I need to do?? I figuring that when I want to put pods in the tank, I can put a handful of the algae in?? Or is there a better way? (other than adding a fuge to the tank!) Thanks!


They are tigger pods. Didnt even think about the fact that there might be different types of pods. Are these ok for the mandarin??


Active Member
Yes, a mandarin will eat them. They don't tend to keep their populations up in the normal reef environment like a Tisbe sp would and will have to be replenished.


Well, I'm hoping that being in there own separte tank will help with that. There will be nothing to prey on them. I have pods in my system right now, just trying to plan ahead. Maybe I will put an online order in JIC. Thanks!