Couple of quick questions. I drove 2 hours today to purchase copepods from a pet store. I dont have much around me, so I had to drive a good distance. I have 19 gallon established tank with one clown fish, live sand and live rock in it. I am drip acclimating the clown to my larger mostly fishless tank (has one mandarin. I purchased the pods to put into the 19 gallon to hopefully breed them in there. I also bought a bag of macro algae to put into this tank. Do I need to block the intake on the filter with a sponge or will these guys stay mostly in the algae and rocks. Anything else that I need to do?? I figuring that when I want to put pods in the tank, I can put a handful of the algae in?? Or is there a better way? (other than adding a fuge to the tank!) Thanks!