

Would my percula and fire shrimp finish off all the copepods in my tank? I used to have plenty of them, have not seen one in a long time.

Other habitants are blue legs and some snails that bury themselves in the sand.


No, those particular fish will not polish off all your pods. Look at your tank an hour or more after the lights have gone out using a flashlight covered with red cellophane, you'll not only see pods theres a good chance you'll see other nocturnal organisms.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishzen
Thanks Nomad,
So if they do not eat them, can I safely introduce new copepods in the tank?
Just curious.. why are you adding copepods to your tank?


Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
Just curious.. why are you adding copepods to your tank?
Everybody says they are great, and since my tank used to have plenty of them I thought that by introducing new ones I will be doing a good thing. :notsure: If they do not help on anything then I probably save my money and not get any.
Your question is very good, can somebody tell me what do they do? I will try doing a search on them anyway.

bang guy

Clownfish will eat a copepod if it sees it. My guess is that you're used to seeing Copepods with the lights on. Now that there are fish and the Shrimp most are probably going to become nocturnal.
Try using a flashlight a couple hours after the tank has gone dark to look for Copepods.