Copperband Butterfly


I only paid $18 for my Copperband-no wonder it died. I paid $40 for a 2in hippo tang at my lfs and it died too-I no longer go to my lfs.
Well, if he does start misbehaving, that'll be a good excuse to get another tank!
I have to eventually get another tank for my eel-my parents are sick of him eating small expensive fish but I won't get rid of him because he is my favorite fish.


My corals haven't been touched! :jumping: In fact, he doesn't even seem to care that they're there. He's mostly interested in picking at the live rock and swimming back and forth with my schooling chromis! :D My tank is a 75g, btw.


Active Member

Originally posted by Dory36
I guess it sort of evens out! BTW, we've named our copperband Banana! :)

banana who?
getting copperband next weekend - can't wait.... (have to though)...


Thanks everyone for all the compliments! :) The funny thing is, we never intended on buying him! We went into our lfs to buy a peppermint shrimp hoping it would eat our aiptasia. They were out of those and recommended him instead. And you know what? It's one week later and all our aiptasia is gone! :jumping: :cheer:


Active Member

Originally posted by Dory36
We brought a new baby home tonight. He's our biggest and most expensive yet...$44.99 :eek:

You think thats expensive, i just bought a $99 dollar blue hippo tang, but we got them to drop it down to $89.


hehe copperbanded butterflies at my lfs are like $25-$35.... ive only ever seen 1 $35 one though and he was huge.
awesome tank!!!!


Active Member
Dory i cant tell you how much i like your rock work, My tank looks like crap right now due to my new lights, they have ignighted an algea bloom!!! Bigarn says it will slowly go away. Great Tank, you deserve it! Todd


I loooove copper bands, we have been trying to get them at my lfs for awhile now, but my dealer wont buy them if he sees that a bunch have crashed from his collector. If you can get good ones that dont crash they are wonderful.


Active Member
I have one myself. Cool fish but mine hides alot. Hes getting better but still hides. I would get a neon goby but i think my big pink spotted watchman goby would eat him.


yeah i love your rockwork also. If you only have a 75 gal tank, the way you laid your stuff out makes your tank looke huge!
I have less rock but they are bigger pieces. I'm not sure if i like how it looks. Take a peek