Coral banded eating fish?


Just curious here...has anyones Coral Banded shrimp gone after any of your fish and made a meal out of them? I had a royal gamma in the tank with no signs of health issues, water temps and readings were good but the little guy was found half eaten on the bottom of the tank the other of course the shrimp would eat the fish if it were dead but there were no signs of health issues at all before I found him half gone...same thing happened to a firefish and blenny I had in the tank...I say this because the other fish that went were about the same size...
Wondering if its the shrimp going after them...I have a couple firefish now in the tank and I am keeping a real close eye on them...The clowns, wrasse, goby are all of larger size and have been in the tank for some time now.


Got rid of mine a long long time ago for the same reasons as yours. I've never had the problem since. I think it's hit and miss with them "playing well with others".


LOL...I had a coral banded shrimp eat a yellow clown goby...I'm pretty sure it ate my pearly jawfish (didn't see it happen), and I am pretty sure it killed my citron goby...took it out before it could eat anymore...
YESSSSSS CBS will eat what they can catch


Ok he is gone as soon as I can get him out of the tank...that should be fun with all the rock...time to get some more cleaner shrimp!! Maybe a blood red one this time!
I hate spending $14 per each FF and have them end up as a snack!! Expensive taste for a shrimp...where the heck is my lobster?!?! Mmmmm lobster good!


crap and I was just posting how cute they are when they eat.. Guess I wont be getting one of those either.


Active Member
Jaodissa...I can remember going through a lot of the same things that you are going through with your first tank...oooh, that looks cool (NO)...oh, how about this little guy, NO....frustrating at first, but once you get going, you will have a beautiful tank that you can spend hours looking are already ahead of me, I got the fish then asked questions, you are getting informed first, then getting fish (good job!)


And before too long, you will stop worrying about everything in the tank as all balances are there.
But, you will probably never stop dreaming about your tank(s). :p


Crap...yah now that I think about it I have had a few fish gone without a trace in the tank which may have been attributed to the shrimp...
2 other firefish, neon goby, bicolor blenny, royal gamma and maybe just maybe the flame angel...all those fish were rock dwellers so its very possible as I thought it was ich taking them it was really the shrimp..amazing! I never found the neon, flame angel, 1 firefish..
ah well live and learn...


Originally Posted by GeckoXp
Crap...yah now that I think about it I have had a few fish gone without a trace in the tank which may have been attributed to the shrimp...
2 other firefish, neon goby, bicolor blenny, royal gamma and maybe just maybe the flame angel...all those fish were rock dwellers so its very possible as I thought it was ich taking them it was really the shrimp..amazing! I never found the neon, flame angel, 1 firefish..
ah well live and learn...
Thats alot of money in fish waste.. (okay maybe not a huge amount in the greater image of this hobby but still a lot)


Well I had most of those fish in there until I got ich in the tank so I contributed it to ich but now that it has cleared up I added in a royal gamma last week and found it half eaten and now a couple now that the ich is gone I am thinking otherwise here..yah it was enough money but you live and learn.


I have seen a CBS grab a juvenile coral cat in mid swim and eat his face while the fish was trying to get out of the claw...


Active Member
I have two clowns in a biocube 14g with a full size coral banded shrimp (so there aint alot of getting out the way room). there is NO WAY possible it could eat or even beat the clowns. when I first got it and it wasn't sure if the clowns where a threat or not it would claw at them all the time. Now having been there for months it ignores them but during feeding it has tried to grab the clowns numerous times because they will try to snatch food from right under their nose. the clowns could care less and the banded shrimp has ZERO success even intimidating them much less catching or eating them (and its had BOTH claws on them several times, clowns easily get away and go right back for more if food falls in front of it). the banded shrimp (with claws) must be twice the size of the clowns. Perhaps a small goby or firefish may not be so lucky but I have no doubt fish like clowns, wrasses, dwarf angels can easily get away/avoid of put the smack down on coral banded shrimp.


Originally Posted by Stanlalee
I have two clowns in a biocube 14g with a full size coral banded shrimp (so there aint alot of getting out the way room). there is NO WAY possible it could eat or even beat the clowns. when I first got it and it wasn't sure if the clowns where a threat or not it would claw at them all the time. Now having been there for months it ignores them but during feeding it has tried to grab the clowns numerous times because they will try to snatch food from right under their nose. the clowns could care less and the banded shrimp has ZERO success even intimidating them much less catching or eating them (and its had BOTH claws on them several times, clowns easily get away and go right back for more if food falls in front of it). the banded shrimp (with claws) must be twice the size of the clowns. Perhaps a small goby or firefish may not be so lucky but I have no doubt fish like clowns, wrasses, dwarf angels can easily get away/avoid of put the smack down on coral banded shrimp.
It honestly all depends on the shrimp. Some aren't as aggressive as others. Same with fish. I have an extremely aggressive Coral Beauty, while my friend, who bought hers from the same LFS on the same day as me has one that is as peaceful as can be in a tank half the size of mine. I've heard more bad than good when you place a CBS in a smaller tank. As for clowns and CBS, clowns are kind of aggressive and don't take **** if you know what I mean, so more likely than not, the CBS will leave them be, BUT, there's still a risk.