coral banded shrimp question..


how aggressive are coral banded shrimps.. i have had one for about 6 months now,, and from what i remember i had about 3-4 hermits in my tank before i had him.. and then i noticed they were slowly disappearing... ever since than i have not gotta any... would it have been the coral banded that got to them?? because i am thinking about getting some hermits and just want to make sure they dont get picked off by the banded.. thanks
I have a buddy on here that just got rid of his coral banded- was a beast! would stalk and attack all of his fish and he believes that his cardinal that went missing was due to him- would sneak up on his clowns, tangs ate one of his ghost shrimp almost as soon as he put the pair in was very aggressive but a lot of people have em and dont have aggression problems too I think as in most cases is in the luck of the temperment you wind up with.


Active Member
Mine doesn't bother anything, as far as fish and crabs. He and Trigger have an "agreement" on living quarters. He is MURDER on bristle worms, though. I don't think he would play well with other shrimp either.


I have had 2 in different was a model citizen, and the other ate everything it could catch

I don't have any anymore....


Ya know, I have to say, I have had my coral banded for over a year now and added two cleaners about 4 months ago and so far so good. The cbs has never bothered anyone, however if he gets too close to one of the cleaners, man do they move. They look like they just fly through that tank to get away, so I am guessing they are too fast for the old guy, hehehe


well i also have been noticing that some of the heads of my xenias have been missing.. ever since i got the xenia frag it has not fully opened up.. so now my mission is to try and catch him so i can get a different shrimp... anyone have any ideas of trying to catch the bandit??
Lure him out with a piece of meaty food each time you feed- without doing any catch attempts and lead him to where hes way out of cover then after a while when you see hes letting his guard down glue a piece of the same food on the inside of a weighted specimin container with holes in it for drainage and a piece of fishing line on it - make it so he has to pick at it but isnt alarmed cause you never tried to catch him and pull on the line slowly until the container stands up then pul it to the surface as quick as you can without makin a mess and grab the container out of the water and can put him in a holding container to return to the store.
Or you can do the same with the food but stand off to the side so he comes out and snatch him with a pair of the plastic tongs they sell for grabbing stuff in the tank- if you approach from behind he may not see you till its too late and you can grab him.......either way good luck


I had one in my 265 gallon and he killed 2 cleaner shrimp and my fire shrimp.
I tried for days to get him out with no success. I had to take the tank apart to get him out. He is now in my refugium by himself. I did have a sea hare in there but now he is gone too. Good luck.


As posted above, try to teach it to come to you for food....then you can place a net in there, and when it comes out...carefully scoop it into the net
Worked for me :)