Coral banded v Arrow crab


New Member
So I just got a reef kit with a coral banded shrimp and I also got an arrow crab. I'm starting my drip setup and when I drop the arrow crab in the carton, the coral banded comes over and rips his leg off and starts eating in front of him. I'm like "WOwww stop, lol" So I scramble to find another container for the crab. I get the Arrow crab out safely (minus the leg) and sure nuff that coral banded shrimp ate the whole friggin leg.
Is that Arrow crab lunch the second it crosses paths with the shrimp?
Maybe I should I have never let them get that close in a small bucket?
Will they make it in a 72 gallon together?
If they are going to fight, anyone got odds on the Arrow crab?


FWIW - Someone in my local reef club is trying to get his CBS out of his tank because it is terrorizing the tank.
No direct experience myself, so others may have better input.


I have a cbs in my 29g, with a peppermint shrimp, emerald crab, red scarlet crabs, halloween crabs, yellow head jawfish, yellow clown goby, rusty goby, snails snail and more snails
no problems here


New Member
He just looks real aggresive with those claws out all wide, maybe it starts fights with just its appearance. I dropped them both in last night, so we'll see whats going on when I come home from work and sneak in on them. If the CBS is causing problems it'll have to go.


New Member
Yeah I know it looks pretty gruesome the shrimp ripping the legs off, but don't get the idea that the arrow crab is a poor defenseless crab. They will destroy most everthing that gets in its way, hermit crabs,
bristleworms,snails,small fish and yes even shrimp. Keep an eye on that little bugger. I have lost an entire population of bristleworms(went from too many to none in 1 week) and 8 blue leg hermits so far. I keep finding their half eaten carcasses around the tank along with catching the arrow crab with a blue leg in its pincher.