Coral Beauties VS. Flame Angels


Do you suggest a coral beauty or a flame angel for my 8 month old, 29 gallon tank, with a powerhead, pretty good filter and protein skimmer. (inhabitants: royal grammar, clownfish and starfish.):rolleyes:
-Thanks:) ;)


Active Member
They need lots of liverock to graze on the "stuff" that grows on them. I have only had a coral beauty for a little while and it was removed because it was eating my reef. Others have them without any problems. I have heard that the flame angel is a hardier fish.


Active Member
IMO you can have an angel just fine in a 29 gal. but they do need lots of LR. I like the flame angel better, I think they are prettier IMO. Both fish are prety hardy and both will get along well with other fish so its really whatever you like better.


tough call but flames stay smaller so id suggest that.. .. i couldnt decide so i got a 125 and i have both of them :) :D


I have a flame and he was originally in my 40 gallon and I thought that was a little cramped for him and 3 other fish.
Off the subject, ILove2ride, do you ride horses? Just wondering because I have a couple of TB's.


(we) Love to ride Horses!
Anyone know any good inexpensive riding places in the LA area?
(by the way, we are two friends sharing a name)
:) :( :eek: :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes:


I noticed its a maroon clown & royal gramma in your tank... has the maroon taken to the bta? I wouldnt put any other fish in, maroons can get to a pretty big size (for a clown) and are aggressive as HELL if they have something to defend (bta)...
grammas can be nasty as well
Drew :)