Do you suggest a coral beauty or a flame angel for my 8 month old, 29 gallon tank, with a powerhead, pretty good filter and protein skimmer. (inhabitants: royal grammar, clownfish and starfish.)
They need lots of liverock to graze on the "stuff" that grows on them. I have only had a coral beauty for a little while and it was removed because it was eating my reef. Others have them without any problems. I have heard that the flame angel is a hardier fish.
IMO you can have an angel just fine in a 29 gal. but they do need lots of LR. I like the flame angel better, I think they are prettier IMO. Both fish are prety hardy and both will get along well with other fish so its really whatever you like better.
I have a flame and he was originally in my 40 gallon and I thought that was a little cramped for him and 3 other fish.
Off the subject, ILove2ride, do you ride horses? Just wondering because I have a couple of TB's.
I noticed its a maroon clown & royal gramma in your tank... has the maroon taken to the bta? I wouldnt put any other fish in, maroons can get to a pretty big size (for a clown) and are aggressive as HELL if they have something to defend (bta)...
grammas can be nasty as well