coral beauty angel and chevron tang


Active Member
I see no reason why they would not be compatible.
Please tell me you are not considering these two fish for your 20g. A chevron tang could be 10" or more when grown. :eek:
well under the fish fish at the top of the side bar i went into it and read about coral beauty`s and it says they need a tank from 50 gal or higher and 45 is pretty close to that im not so sure about the chevron tang but i probly wont be getting it anyway


A Coral Beauty should be OK for a 45 gal, but the Tangs should be at least 60 gal. I wouldn't put the tang in there. It might be OK at first, but couple weeks later, it might be stress out and pass away.
I have a coral beauty in 55 gal. It is doing great. But my yellow tang only lasted 3 weeks.....