Coral Beauty not eating


New Member
I got a Coral Beauty on Sunday, as of yet she is still not eating, she hides when ever I approach the tank, and the other fish eat everything before she come back out. She is still healthy, how long can she go without food?


Originally Posted by Frightmare
I got a Coral Beauty on Sunday, as of yet she is still not eating, she hides when ever I approach the tank, and the other fish eat everything before she come back out. She is still healthy, how long can she go without food?
She is probably getting some food from what gets into the rocks, or under the rocks.....She is probably still adjusting to the tank....anyone bothering her?


New Member
No she found her little nook, and chases everyone else away, she is about 3 inches, and my other fish are much smaller. I have a 55gal Fo tank, I put some seaweed in a veggie clip for her, so I hope she is eating that. Just wasn't sure how long she could go without eating the mysis and brine I put in. Also have a algae based flake I have been putting in. I want her to eat, but don't want to end up over feeding while trying.


Active Member
and people wonder why qt's are so important... you'd be able to make sure the coral beauty was eating and had no competition while adjusting to it's new life in a rectangular box, while making sure it's healthy and you can find it if it dies...
they will eat when hungry if given the opportunity though. what are you feeding?


New Member
Ya I know I was dumb for the no QT. I have a 10gal I am going to set up this weekend for a QT and Hospital tank. Have offered frozen Mysis, brine, algae based flake and the dried seaweed. Hoping she'll get used to me and stop hiding when I feed.