Coral Beauty with ich


my coral beauty has been in my tank a week and i just noticed hes getting white spots on him, pretty characteristic of ich i think, look like small grains of sand. well theres a clown in the tank as well and he hasnt been affected at all over the last 3 days which is when i noticed it on the coral beauty. the clown has been the only fish in the tank for a month and hasnt had any problems. the beauty isnt showing any signs of infection, he eats, swims around just fine and is always grazing on live rock and he doesnt scratch himself on anything. but any way just wanted to hear what people think i should do... should i wait it out and let him fight it off or should i medicate the tank? and if i medicate the tank what have people had luck with that wont damage the bacterial filter or stain my tank? btw i do not have a hospital tank or qt tank, im at school and just dont have room for that luxury. thanks in advance!
water params are fine: temp 79, 0.0 nitrite, 0.0 ammonia, around 10 mg/l nitrate, 8.2 ph, 1.022-1.023 sg
i could maybe turn up the heat...and drop salinity... i dont really know what works best...


heres a pic you can see white dots abouve the black spot near the head, theres more on the other side, that the best i can do picture wise sorry its crappy, ive been reading and people have had good luc with prazipro, and it doesnt hurt anything and can be used as a a preventative measure as well, with no wate changes or removing of carbon