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Thanks for the info. If the abnormal growth is a cyano, should it be removed?
it could be. but i doubt it is. i didnt htink it is when i said it because of how it is growing off, but i have seen it be kinda stringy. but after looking at it more, it looks more marine algae type and leafy. i would let it be. but that is jsut me. and now that i ahve looked at it again, i highly highly doubt it is cyano, unless i am completly looking at it wrong. lol
so all ica n see is it is a marine algae and is beneficial. sorry i cant narrow it down to a species though.... i was never good with nameing algaes, esspecialy the scientific names. lol why bother? haha
and also, after looking again, i woudl also like to change my 3rd awnser to a devil'shand. the polyp layout doesnt look too much like a toadstool, and i thought it was jsut curled up before, but now after lookign again, it appears to be more growing out in the center. so sorry :notsure: