Coral ID Please


this was sold to my uncle as a carpet anemone, i am no expert but from what i know and can see i dont think its a carpet, it is a little bigger in diameter than a pop can and stands about 2 inches high. i also included a pic of the "foot" as best as i could shoot it.


bang guy

It could be either, I'm leaning toward a bleached out Carpet.
Can we agree that it's most likely going to have a short lifespan? It's going to need food, lots of food.
The problem with providing lots of food is that it's also going to require perfect water conditions. Good water is difficult to maintain while feeding lots of food.


Active Member
after being lost for a while, then moving into a pretty bad spot in my tank, i have a green bta that is coming back nicely from being called bleached (moved its rock uptop of the aquascape). i've been feeding it a turkey baster of my mush food a day. the top portion is about 5" diamter, and if it didn't bubble i'd think it was a carpet. so they CAN come back, but yes it is tough to balance food and water conditions.


Not to steal the thread , but how does it get bleached out? and how can some of you tell it might be bleached.

bang guy

bugs = Zooxanthellae dinoflagillates. These are brown so an Anemone that's whitish is missing it's Zooxanthellae.