Coral ID please


So I went to my LFS... Ive been trying to get my hands on a red goniopora. Yes I know, they usually die within a year but I want to give it a shot. So I asked the shop owner if he could get me one. He pointed out this one piece of coral and said it was a goniopora. Now, to me, this looks like some kind of SPS coral however he insisted and even showed me in one of his books a picture that looked very much like what he sold me and supposedly, it is a goniopora.
IMO its an SPS of some kind. But i bought it anyway (of course if it is some SPS i will return it since i dont have a skimmer and I refuse to buy SPS untill i have the most perfect evironment for them that I can possibly have).
Here are some pics (im talkin about the red one there. The grayish stuff is not tissue damage but some feather dusters on there...should i kill em?)


bang guy

Can you count the number of tentacles on an individual polyp? The pictures are good but I can't tell if there's 12 or 24.


sadly I cannot count the tentacles.. But it looks like more than 12. im sure its more than 12. But I thought Gonioporas were different! I had one for 2 days but returned it cause I found out I could get a better deal on em at another store. (and then opted to wait for a red one).
My understanding is that there were branching goni's (which this store has in a suspicious grayish color (im assuming they are bleached) and the only other for besides branching that I thought was possible is the one er... ones that look like this (the one on the sand is the goni that i had for a couple days)

is the one I bought just as problematic? Also, since you probably know more about this than I do... was 25 bucks a good deal for it?


Active Member
$25 is a good deal, but they are hard to maintain.
12 tentacles vs. 24 tentacles = alveopora vs. goniopora
Yes, there are branching forms/encrusting forms etc. I too, would avoid a 'grey' item.
Best wishes on it!


Active Member
12 = alveopora = better survivability tendency
24 = goniopora = you've got yourself a challenge!


Originally Posted by Catawaba
12 = alveopora = better survivability tendency
24 = goniopora = you've got yourself a challenge!
Oh lol........... SORRY!!!!........ and i cant use the poor vision as an excuse now.. damn haha
Ive branching goni's (and im guessin this may apply to encrusting too) tend to be easier.. who knows.. Suggestions for care if it is a gony? its in moderate flow, high light, and I feed DT's Oyster eggs once a week or so.


Active Member
No worries!
Sounds like a good game plan. Low/mod flow, good Lighting, and spot feeding on occasion.
Place it somewhere stable and leave it. It should extend and 'reach' for the lights which will allow it to 'sway' in the gentle current.
Fragile surface....bumps will permanently damage a spot.
Not overly aggressive but can be wounded/stung by lots of other items....that's why I believe it should sit on the sand and be off to the side/in a corner.
I don't know about any tendencies with regard to branching vs. encrusting....they all are really encrusting to me.
ALVEOpora tend to do a bit better.....
Just my own thoughts.
Best wishes!

john kelly

It is Goniopora stutchburyi. It has the smallest polyps of all Goniopora species.

1.5mm - 2mm diameter.

Polyp size compared to the common "green" Goniopora.



Active Member
i think its also known as a daisy pot - as opposed to regualr gonio known as a flower pot. supposed to be just as tough to maintain.


ooooh! nice!! Well.. ill try to find a good place for mine so it opens up like that.
Saltnoob/ John Kelly: Any suggestiong as far as placement and what not? Is that goni you posted yours? any tips? (people keep tellin me to start adding iron and stuffs.... I am now rather confused)


New Member
Originally Posted by mark_D
So I went to my LFS... Ive been trying to get my hands on a red goniopora. Yes I know, they usually die within a year but I want to give it a shot. So I asked the shop owner if he could get me one. He pointed out this one piece of coral and said it was a goniopora. Now, to me, this looks like some kind of SPS coral however he insisted and even showed me in one of his books a picture that looked very much like what he sold me and supposedly, it is a goniopora.
IMO its an SPS of some kind. But i bought it anyway (of course if it is some SPS i will return it since i dont have a skimmer and I refuse to buy SPS untill i have the most perfect evironment for them that I can possibly have).
Here are some pics (im talkin about the red one there. The grayish stuff is not tissue damage but some feather dusters on there...should i kill em?)

Dig the metallic worm with red/green, my red has them, leave em alone.