Coral ID please


40 galons

I thought it was a yellow fiji leather, but when I look at the pictures on the internet it doesn't look like the same thing.

40 galons

yea the bubble algae is killing me i cant seem to get rid of it.


Active Member
have you tried an emerald crab? I bought 2 for my 75 gallon and they eat that stuff up. If there are big clumps you can try tyo manually remove them, as long as you dont pop it open


That looks like a regular Toadstool to me. Yellow Figi leathers are usually much more yellow, almost florescent in coloring.
How long has it been in the tank and under what lighting?

40 galons

its been in there for about 4 yrs under 2x175, and i have 2x96 also i use them mainly as dusk dawn. it has better color then that, its the camera


Active Member
Looks like a regular toadstool to me too. Still way cool.
after a second inspection...I'm really not sure either! It looks like it's forming like a fiji...strange that it's so old and not bigger.


Well, even if you don't have that great of a camera. A true, Figi Yellow Leather, should be very bright yellow, especially under your lighting and if it's that old.
I also do not believe that this particular coral has the shaping of a true Figi. To me, there are not nearly enough "folds" and turns to the shaping.


OMG I HATE THAT RED BUBBLE ALGAE!!!! Screw emerald crabs they don't do shit! I got a blue tuxedo urchin I'm 95% sure hes the only thing that can eat that crap without killing everything else. That and the other 5% by making a cryptic deep sandbed bucket to get rid of my nitrates. I battled for years trying everything to kill it; scraping, freshwater dips, isolation, water changes, etc... Also, make sure your bulbs are new.