Coral ID


I need to find out what kind of coral this is. I didnt notice it when I setup the tank in dec. Its just popped out. I've never seen anything like it. There are 2 of them, not in a colony though, both are circled in red. They unfold simmilar to a flowerpot, however they arent FP's. They aren't in a colony or anyhting. Coule they be some sort of worm? Doesnt look like a feather duster, as there is no tube. And they aren't very fast at retacting. Took about 10 secconds to withdraw after I touched it with a spoon. And it didn't go anywhere, just closed up.


Active Member
The one on the right looks like a small aiptasia anemone. With that picture that's the best I can do, maybe bang will come on and see your post.
I had a kind of worm that poked out of a rock and opened up into a star about the size of a pea.


Doubt its aiptasia, they're red. I had some aiptasia, and the peppermint shrimp took care of them in no time.


is it black and white with yellow in the center?
if it is i have about 5 of them and they havent got any bigger than a 10 penny nail and doesnt even stick out of the rock
(like to know what it is though)


Active Member

Originally posted by BlackHavoc
Doubt its aiptasia, they're red. I had some aiptasia, and the peppermint shrimp took care of them in no time.

Aiptasia anemones come in a large variety of sizes, shapes and color patterns, you cannot necessarily go by the color.


it looks to be semi hard, the aiptasias ive seen are all flowing with the water, these dont, there stiff in the current.


Active Member
ok, that lowers the chances of it being aiptasia. However, small ones are more rigid as they have not fully developed their tentacles. If it looks to be a disk will small nubs spaced around the perimeter it is most certainly aiptasia. If not, there is no need to worry too much.


sorry bang, my dad deleted it off the desktop. I'll have to get another pic tomorrow. And yes there TINY, about the size of the head of a finishing nail. It seems to be using the sand thats getting kicked up to create a "shell". Aiptasia aren't known to do that right? Gotta be some type of polyup or worm...