aah.. good times then........ also ive consulted with him and he seems quite confident that the hole in the floor is indeed B-his own sphyncter. I am makin sure i stay away from said hole.
That aside, LFS owner wasnt around and this guy is...... kinda dumb... and mean...... not to be mean but i mean..... if u saw how this guy goes about doin stuff its scary...
Asked him cause he was the only one there and u figure theyd know what the hell they are selling..... but guess no
__^..... he then suggested I buy a certain frogspawn which was really an elegance....
Oh, and now that i remember he reffered to the goni as a pinepple coral, which (based on what ive seen called that), is not quite close....
Anywho,thanks for the ID. if anyone can ID the species thatd be nice ^__^ but ill probably steer clear since 1/2 gonio's i owned arent workin out too good, and the one failing me happens to be an encrusting G. Stychburri (spelling?)