Coral Keepers 25 gallon heavily planted tank diary.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Here are some pics of the fish. Tell me what you think!!

What kind of rams are those? I've been thinking of setting up a fw tank maybe tanks for some rams, maybe neon tetras, and maybe chichlids, but this is going to be after my reef and my other sw nano tank.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
What kind of rams are those? I've been thinking of setting up a fw tank maybe tanks for some rams, maybe neon tetras, and maybe chichlids, but this is going to be after my reef and my other sw nano tank.

They are German Blue Rams.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
They are German Blue Rams.
I read an article about rams, which closely ressemble yours, in this months issue of Tropical Fish Hobbyist. Very cool fish, and nice colors on them too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Thanks! They were $5.99 each.
Very nice price. As soon as I upgrade tanks for my reef once I get some corals and they start outgrowing the tank, I want to make my older tanks fw. Fresh sounds like it can be cool and very cheap.

coral keeper

Active Member
Its been a LOOOOOONG time since I updated this thread. Here is a picture of the tank. The picture was taken today.

Stock list:
Fish:1 Angel fish, 1 Male German blue ram, 2 leopard cory catfish, a few guppies.
Plants:TONS lol
Inverts:3 different kinds of snails
Equipment: DIY CO2, 1 powerhead with canister filter, 1 whisper hang on filter, 3 bulbs that equal to 50 watts and all 3 bulbs have different k ratings and the light is regular fluorescent. I also add home made ferts.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
No one likes the tank? =(
I love this tank man! I want to see an updated pic of it!
How do you do such a heavily planted tank without co2??
What type of hob filter do you have?
I think I am going to keep a planted tank at my house :D :D


Active Member
whoa whoa whoaaaaaa freshwater on SWF? ck ck tisk tisk lol jk bro. looks awesome. now i miss my freshwater plants sigh

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
I love this tank man! I want to see an updated pic of it!
How do you do such a heavily planted tank without co2??
What type of hob filter do you have?
I think I am going to keep a planted tank at my house :D :D
Thanks! lol
Oh, I've got CO2 alright. Its a DIY CO2 hooked up to the powerhead.
Idk lol, some kind of whisper filter I got from wallmart for $10.
Sweet! Don't forget to post pictures!! lol


Active Member
I love it, an angel in a 25 os cutting it short though. I have a piece of driftwood lying around that would be sorta cool to use and you could get some java moss or something growing on it. I'll give it to ya free if you want it, but I mean if you don't it won't hurt my feelings
