Coral Keepers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.


im interested in owning a biocube HQI someday and just want to know if you can get away with not having a chiller?


Active Member
See I knew you were lieing :p..did you fill it up with salt yet? and why are you selling all your coral? wanna send me some zoas and mushroom for my bday belated

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
See I knew you were lieing :p..did you fill it up with salt yet? and why are you selling all your coral? wanna send me some zoas and mushroom for my bday belated
lol No, didn't fill it up with salt and wont fill it up with salt. I'm going to be using natural ocean water for this tank too.( I use natural ocean water for my 8 gall biocube) I'm not selling all the corals, I'm selling the entire set up.(the 8 gall)

coral keeper

Active Member
Here is a drawing I made of the back. The green is chaeto and the brown is LR. The blue arrows is the water movement.


wow very cool. I saw one of those at an LFS it was marked 899.99. You got a great deal! What are you going to put in it?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
wow very cool. I saw one of those at an LFS it was marked 899.99. You got a great deal! What are you going to put in it?
Yeah. The only soft corals I'm going to put in there are ric, yumas, and some very nice zoas. I'm also going to put a few nice looking LPS, a few nice maximas, one RBTA, and lots of SPS.
I wouldn't put an anemone in a nano tank, it may be settled but it still has tentacles that could sting/kill other corals. Just be careful if you do decide to get one.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Sooner_Reefer
I wouldn't put an anemone in a nano tank, it may be settled but it still has tentacles that could sting/kill other corals. Just be careful if you do decide to get one.
I'll be very careful with it if I do get one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Yeah. The only soft corals I'm going to put in there are ric, yumas, and some very nice zoas. I'm also going to put a few nice looking LPS, a few nice maximas, one RBTA, and lots of SPS.

1 clam...and you better start dosing or get a doser for all the SPS and the clam..

coral keeper

Active Member
Will this stock list work? Is it too much?
Bicolor Blenny OR Yellow Watchman with(maybe with shrimp) pistole shrimp
Royal Gramma
Flame Angelfish
Maroon clownfish
maybe a Sixline Wrasse if im not over stocked?

10-15 nass snails(more or less?)
10-15 margarita snails
1 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
2 maxima clams
nice zoas
a few LPS
lots of SPS